24 (Colby's POV)

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I don't like to be made fun of, especially when I don't know what for. Maybe she already realized what a freak I was.

 Sam and Kat walked back to us, and I nodded at Chloe.

"She's crazy." I said, honestly lost as to what was wrong with her. "Certifiable."

"So, what's so funny Chloe?" Kat asked Chloe, who was actually wiping tears from her eyes.

  I bit my lip to keep from saying anything mean. I said I would try to not be a dick. Chloe pointed at me, looking at Kat.

"He said he smiled."

Sam burst out laughing. I didn't think it was that funny. I smiled. Sometimes.

"Brother, I didn't think you would start the jokes this early on the date."


 "This isn't a date." I replied, at the same time as Chloe.

 "Whatever you saaaay," Sam said, grinning. "Come on, let's get in there." He spun Kat around, while she giggled and I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be able to act so carefree with someone again.

 They started walking in away from us, hand in hand.

What the fuck was wrong with me? I was jealous of Sam being in a relationship. This girl, this damn human girl, was making me crazy and it was pissing me off.

"You guys coming?" Sam yelled back to us, still walking.

 "Come on." I said roughly, walking ahead of her.

 "Well, that didn't last long," I heard her say under her breath again.

 I wonder why she keeps talking under her breath. She didn't seem to have a problem telling me anything last night.

 I felt bad for walking ahead of her, so I stopped and waited for her to catch up.

 "Sorry," I muttered.

 I tried to keep my steps equal to hers, staying beside her, but a couple of feet away. This was going to be a long night.

The longer I was around her, the more I wanted her...her blood, her body, her smart ass mouth.

I got that sense that someone was watching me so I jerked my head towards Chloe, catching her staring at me from the corner of her eye. As soon as I met her gaze, she stumbled over...well, I didn't see anything for her to stumble on, so I guess her own damn feet.

She was making it a full time job just making sure that didn't damage that pretty face of hers.

 "Damn, do you ever stop trying to kill yourself?" I said, angrily, as I grabbed her to keep her from falling.

  It was like she was purposely trying to hurt herself, just to piss me off. I didn't want her to get hurt. She needed to be more careful with herself.

She gave me a look that let me know that smart mouth was coming back. Good, I was getting worried.

 "No, I don't. It's a personal hobby of mine. Seeing how many times I can bust my ass in one day. You're messing up my record by constantly grabbing me. Ohhhh..." her eyes grew ride in realization of something.

She didn't speak though, and that was annoying.

 "What? What is it?" I asked. Just tell me.

 My brain seemed to work faster than a normal humans now, and I didn't have the patience to wait for her to sort through whatever the hell she just realized.

 "Chill," She replied, glaring at me. "I found some bruises on my arms this morning and I-"

Bruises? Who the hell hurt her?

I grabbed her arms, trailing my fingers lightly over her warm skin, looking for them. She jerked her arm away from me, like she was frightened or something.

Okay, fine. I won't touch you again. I felt an ache in my chest, from that thought.

"Why did you do that?" She asked me softly.

I felt myself shut down, so that she couldn't see that her actions had affected me.

 I shrugged. "You said you had bruises. I was just going to see how bad they were." I felt her looking at me, but I kept my gaze averted.

Didn't wanna meet those eyes again. We were waiting at the counter now to get the clubs and stuff for golf.

 "You could've just asked instead of grabbing me." Her soft voice permeated my thoughts.

I knew that she was still staring at me. "It won't happen again." I said, my voice grating against my throat.

 I glanced towards Sam and Kat, who moved so that we could get our supplies. I heard her sigh heavily.

"I thought you weren't going to be all rude and shit tonight." She grabbed her stuff, and I did the same right behind her.

I almost smiled. Rude? I was on my best behavior.

"I'm not being rude." I replied, my voice a little softer.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm trying really hard not to be a bitch." Her cute little nose scrunched up a bit while she was talking. I'm guessing that she was trying right now. "That's extra hard with you, because you just seem to bring it out of me." The feeling is mutual sweetheart. "The least you could do is be less of a dick," She finished off.

 "I thought that I was being less of a dick." I replied.

 I was trying really hard. I thought that I was accomplishing it too, but maybe not.

I glanced over to her, meeting her gaze. She smiled at me, and then stuck out her tongue. My chest tightened a little for some reason. What is going on?

 "Maybe you are. I don't know how much of a dick you are, since we just met." I smiled just a little at that.

We literally just met last night, but I wanted to spend more and more time with her, even though she makes me want to kill her and myself at the same time. I saw her gaze drop to my lips and I wanted to yank her into my arms.

 Instead, I kept the conversation going.

 "Everyone seems to think that I'm a pretty big dick. So this is an improvement for me." I replied.

 I was being honest. She sighed again, but I could tell it was exaggerated.

"I guess I'll just have to deal with it then." We made it to the course, and Kat turned to speak to Chloe.

 "You guys seem to be getting along pretty well." She winked at her. 

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