154 (Colby's POV)

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The cat, Prissy, had actually let me pet her for a minute yesterday...or I guess it was the day before, now. I walked inside the apartment behind Chloe, keeping my eyes away from the cat so that she wouldn't feel so intimidated. I felt her little feline eyes watching me though.

 Chloe walked to her living room and turned back to face me.

"Sooo, you wanna watch a movie or something? Or do you need to sleep while you can? Or...do you need to feed...because of the sun?"

 I actually did need to, but I didn't want to just keep doing that, using her like a damn blood bag. I shook my head.

"No, I'll be okay. Let's watch a movie." I let out a short laugh after I said that.

She gave me a small confused smile.

 "What's so funny?"

 I grinned widely and took her hand, both of us sitting down on the couch.

I put my arm around her and settled back.

 "We're gonna watch a movie. That's just so...normal. Honestly, I'd rather go watch the sunset with you on the top of a mountain, but I'm too drained right now. That'll be our next date."

She looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh my God, are you serious?"

 I nodded, smiling again. "Yeah, I am. Is that something you'd like?"

She nodded her head vigorously, smiling and folding her knees underneath her. "I would love that. So much!" She leaned towards me and pressed her lips against mine for a moment, before she leaned back, her head resting in the crook of my arm. "What do you want to watch? I've got a few choices...but I don't guess we really know each other because I have no idea what you like." She got a sad tone to her voice when she said that.

I pulled her chin up and around so I could look her in the eyes.

 "Hey, we know each other enough. That's why we're getting to know each other, right?"

She bit her lip and nodded. "I guess it's just weird because I'm...I'm already so in love with you, but I don't really know much about you." she replied.

I smiled and gave her a quick kiss.

 "I'm already so in love with you too. Put whatever movie you want on. I don't really watch much these days so I don't even know what's out."

 "Uum...comedy?" she questioned me.

 I nodded.

"Yeah, that sounds great."

She chewed her lip another minute thinking, then smiled. "I've got it."

She got up and rummaged through some Blu Rays that were on the entertainment stand under her TV, before pulling one out holding it up.

 I raised my eyebrows.


 She nodded, grinning widely. "Yep, comedy, action, and even a love story, all in one."

I held both my hands up, signaling for her to do what she wanted. "Sounds great." I replied.

She put the movie on and settled back against me again. Surprisingly enough, I really got into the movie, laughing along with her. It was hilarious.

 I couldn't help stealing a glimpse of her every now and then though. She captivated me more than Ryan Reynolds ever would. Her hazel eyes were shining with tears from laughing so hard, her lips parted in a big smile as she giggled at the TV.

Her hair was falling down around the sides of her face, some of it over her eyes. I watched as she brought her hand up to push it behind her ear, then flipped it off of her neck. Oh.

Hunger hit me in the gut hard as the skin of her neck flashed in front of my eyes. I jerked my head back towards the TV quickly. She noticed though, and turned her head to look at me, with a quizzical expression.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked, reaching her hand towards my forehead brushing those damn curls back.

 I clenched my jaw, surprised by how strong the hunger was hitting me. Control hadn't really been a huge issue lately. I felt like we had just met each other again, all of a sudden.

The monster was begging to be let out and sink his teeth into her, drinking his fill.

"Yeah, m'good." I muttered out, keeping my eyes on the man in the red body suit, doing flips off of a car.

I felt her fingers brush against my cheek, before grasping my jaw and pulling my face around so she could see my eyes.

"You need to feed, don't you?" I closed my eyes against her knowing gaze. "Why are you hiding it? You know that you can if you need to. I don't mind. Hell, I enjoy it probably as much as you." She giggled lightly.

 I opened my eyes, meeting her gaze.

"I don't want you to feel like that's all I ever do with you. Like I'm using you or something. I just wanted one normal day with you. One day where me being this monster wasn't an issue." I replied solemnly.

She rolled her eyes at my confession.


"Shut the fuck up. You aren't a monster. You're a vampire. Vampires need blood, just like I need food. If I thought that was the only reason you keep me around, I'd tell you to go fuck yourself. I'm not one of your blood whores...but I love you and I know you love me. This is something that we can experience and give each other, right?"

 I nodded slightly, my brows furrowed as she leaned closer to me, her scent intoxicating and making my gut twist in on itself. She moved her hair off of her neck, where her earlier wounds were completely healed now, leaving a smooth surface.

I think I started salivating.

"Just take what you need."

 I groaned, leaning away from her. "It's strong right now Chloe. I don't know if I can stay in control this time. It's like the first time all over again."

She shook her head. "No, it's not. It's you and it's me. You've got this. There's no way that you would hurt me yourself after everything you've done to protect me. I trust you. Take it."

 She leaned closer again, and I couldn't resist any longer. 

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