I stretched as my alarm blared, signalling me that it was time to wake up for my first day at my new job! I sat straight up, feeling very refreshed. Honestly, I didn't think that I would sleep very well, with Prissy missing, and after that strange incident with the scary blue eyed stranger.
Scary but hot. I wondered if I would see him again. I shook my head at my insane thought.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Wanting to see someone that literally broke down my door and scared the shit out of me? Whatever. I wasn't going to think about that today.
I crawled out of bed and stretched again, reveling in the feeling. A quiet meow had me looking down at my feet. Prissy was sitting there, staring up at me, like she had been there the entire time.
"Where did you come from? I looked everywhere for you!" I exclaimed, as I leaned down to pick her up.
I nuzzled her against my neck, listening to her comforting purr.
"You bad girl, you had me worried sick."
I carried her to the kitchen, and found some of her food in the back of a cabinet. Damn, I thought that I had more than that. I would have to pick some up on the way home.
I looked everywhere for her food and water bowls but they seemed to have disappeared too.
"What the hell is going on? Where is everything?" I said aloud to the empty apartment.
This was just getting weird. Everything felt off, or slightly different, but I couldn't figure out why. I rolled my eyes at my own over active imagination, and found her a little dish to eat out of while I got in the shower.
I didn't want to be late for work, so I got up in plenty of time to make sure that I could make myself look as good as possible and not be even a second late. By the time I finished making sure that every little detail of myself was as perfect as I could get it, I had enough time to make it to work, and still be a little early, depending on traffic. I loved on Prissy, making sure that she had enough food and water down, and making her litter box from the extra one I happened to have in my closet.
Where the hell did the first one go?
Who would break in and steal all of her cat supplies? This was just weird. I headed out, forgetting about the weird things, and concentrating only on how great this day was going to be.
I was so excited about this job! I would forever be grateful to Mr. Roberts for giving me this chance. I sang along to my favorite songs as I drove along, patting my hand against the steering wheel.
When I walked inside the office, I smiled at Lilly, and stopped by her desk.
"Good Morning Miss Daniels! How are you today? Excited?"
I nodded enthusiastically. "Very! Can I get a bottle of water from you or is there somewhere else to get it for employees?"
She reached behind her and grabbed one, handing it to me with her usual chipper attitude. "There is a lounge down that hall for the employees, but you can just take this one for now. I hope you have a wonderful first day." She grinned again and waved, as I walked to Mr. Roberts office door and knocked gently.
"Come on in." I heard him reply.
I walked in cautiously, stopping at the desk that he had said would be mine.
"Chloe, good morning. There are a stack of papers on your desk that need to be gone over. Make sure that all of the information is filled out correctly, and signatures filled. You'll pretty much just be the grammar police today. Sound good?"
I nodded at him, smiling a little.
I was too nervous to speak.
"Great, you can get started then. Let me know if you have any questions."
I sat down and started to do as he had told me, getting lost in the repetitive work. It was boring but it kept me busy. Mr. Roberts kept a satellite radio station of popular hits playing in the background, so it was nice to be able to listen to music while I worked, as well.
"Chloe, could you go to the lounge and bring me back one of the coffee flavored energy drinks from the fridge? I don't care what kind." Mr. Roberts replied after a short while.
"Sure." I said, standing up, and walking to the door.
As I pulled it open, I noticed a dark haired guy standing at the counter flirting with Lilly. I couldn't see his face, but something about him seemed familiar. I shook my head and continued down the hallway to the lounge.
It was easy enough to find, with the signs showing me where to go. I grabbed what Mr. Roberts had asked for, then found one for myself. I cracked it open and downed half of it before sticking it back in the fridge for later.
On my way back to the office, I heard a deep chuckle that literally sent shivers down my spine.
Jesus, what angel was that voice attached to? The guy was still standing at the counter with Lilly when I walked past. I noticed now that his dark hair was streaked with red, flashing a memory in my mind of the stranger that was at my apartment yesterday.
His hair had been like that. As I stared at him, he lifted his face, his blue eyes burning into mine.
"Oh!" I gasped, dropping the drink that I held in my hand.
His eyes never left mine, as he walked towards me. I was frozen. In fear, or shock, I don't know, but I couldn't move.
What was he doing here? The stranger that had broken into my home, screaming at me to remember him, acting like an insane person, while making my stomach do flip flops at the same time. He bent over and picked up the drink, handing it back to me.
"It seems to be okay." He replied softly, meeting my gaze again.
"What-who-how?" The words fell from my mouth as incoherent as my thoughts were at the moment.
"I came by to speak with Mr. Roberts about something. Didn't expect to see you here."

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...