I think it was mainly in our eyes though. People avoided us because our eyes just weren't quite natural, and were probably intimidating.
Sam was pale, but he always had been. We did have shadows under our eyes that were more pronounced when we hadn't eaten.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that we were trouble and it showed.
"Kat wants to go out to breakfast in the morning." Sam said, making a face at a little kid walking by.
The kid looked scared, but he just made a face back and jogged over behind his mom. Okay kid, I see you.
"You're going to be exhausted." I told him, watching a couple of girls walk our way, from the back of the parking lot.
The sun didn't affect us like that. It made us weaker, but we didn't explode into flames or turn to dust or anything. It literally drained us of our powers. I suppose if we stayed in it long enough, we would eventually die, but who wouldn't?
"I made some lame excuse about working. She thinks I work. This relationship is getting to be harder than I thought."
I nodded, understanding exactly what he meant. "So call it off." I replied, kicking a rock out into the lot.
It came close to a guy walking with his girlfriend and he gave me a dirty look. I narrowed my eyes at him and grinned, making sure that my fangs protruded just a little, then flipped him off.
Please start something with me. I'm anxious and need a release.
"I can't do that." Sam answered me, sighing.
The guy's eyes widened and he looked away, pulling his girlfriend towards the building.
"Why not?" I asked, looking over to him.
He looked up and met my gaze. "Because she might be the One." I swear he would have blushed if he could have.
"Like the ONE? Actually?" My own eyes widened at that. "How do you know?"
He shrugged. "I don't, for sure. I just know that I can't get her out of my head. I want to be with her all the time. She smells so so good, and I want to bite her....God, do I want to bite her, but I can't. I would rather die than have something happen to her."
Okay, I was shocked. Sam hadn't said anything to me about any of this.
"Damn bro. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He looked at me in a way that I hadn't seen since he was human. With fear.
"Because I didn't want it to be true. What am I supposed to do?"
I nodded to the two girls coming our way. Kat had seen us, but Chloe hadn't.
"I don't know but shelf it."
Kat walked faster and went straight into Sam's outstretched arms as we walked up to meet them. Chloe had her face tilted up, looking at the giant clown head on top of the building.
"It's like a train wreck. I can't look away." She replied to whatever Kat had said.
She was headed straight for me, but I didn't move. I assumed she would see me standing directly in front of her. Silly me.
"Well, you should before you-" Kat said, before Chloe ran straight into me.
I grabbed her around the waist to keep her from falling. Her breath huffed out of her and she looked up, like she was about to say something. When her gaze met mine, the feeling came back. I was surrounded by her scent, the warmth of her skin through her clothes...everything was Chloe. I need to back away. To give myself some distance.
I didn't understand why Sam was so confident that I wouldn't kill this girl. Of course, as I let my gaze glance down to her parted lips, I wasn't thinking about killing her. I let her go quickly and stepped away, before I did something stupid again.
"Um...thanks." She muttered out, breaking our gaze, and looking at Katrina accusingly.
"I told you to watch out," Kat replied, grinning.
I almost wanted to grin myself. Chloe's little attitude came back in full force.
"A little too late, huh?" She huffed out, glaring at her.
Why did it make me want to do bad things to her when she acted that way?
"Hey, don't be mad at me because you weren't watching where you were going. Besides, Colby made sure you didn't fall like you normally do."
I hadn't taken my eyes away from her this entire time. I was taking in how her breath would start coming faster when she got upset, and the way the green of her eyes would darken.
She met my gaze again then looked down to the ground.
"Yeah, he seems to be doing that a lot." She mumbled under her breath.
I knew that I wasn't supposed to hear but super sensitive hearing came in handy. I let out a hushed short laugh before I could stop myself and her head jerked in my direction. She eyed me quizzically.
"You should do that more," She seemed surprised by her own words.
Wait, what? I Listened to her mumble. I was confused now.
"What?" I asked.
A blush crossed her face and I don't think that I have ever seen something so cute...or appetizing. Watching the blood rush to her face was a rush for me in more ways than one.
"Um...Laugh...or smile. Either one." Her tongue darted out, swiping over her bottom lip.
I don't even think she realized that she did it. Oh, this was not good.
I was going to have to stop wearing skinny jeans around her. This was uncomfortable.
What did she say? Oh yeah.
"I smile." I replied, trying to concentrate on acting normal and not letting her know how big of a freak I was.
To my surprise, she burst out laughing.
Well damn, what did I do? She was even more beautiful when she laughed, but why was she laughing at me?
"Y-yeah, I'm s-sure you d-do!" She gasped out.
"Hey, what's so funny back there?" Sam yelled back from where they had walked a good bit away from us.
She just laughed harder and honestly, it was pissing me off.

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...