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Colby kissed Prissy on the top of the head, then looked back down at me.

"We're old friends. I told you. I'm your boyfriend."

Another flash of light, had me squeezing my eyes shut, and his hand coming down on my arm, holding me tightly against him.

"We won't talk about that right now. Let's just lie still for a while, okay?"

I whimpered, unable to do anything else. He started moving me, sliding his body out from under me.

"No, don't."I breathed out, reaching for him.

He took my hand, and kissed it gently.

"I'm just going to get the other ice pack, and some other things that might help. I'll be right back but I want to get you situated in the bed first, okay?"

I didn't say anything, but I tried to shift myself into a sitting position.

I saw him shake his head at me before swiftly, but gently, pulling me up in the bed, propping my throbbing head on my pillows, and tossing the blanket over my knees.

"Be right back."

He wasn't kidding.

I swear I blinked and then he was standing beside the bed, hovering over me.

"I brought two ice packs, a Sprite, and a chocolate bar."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "A chocolate bar?" I asked, my voice sounding weak.

He shrugged with a small smile on his face.

"I googled it. It's this or an onion. Thought you would like this more."

I pushed myself up to a sitting position to try the drink, noticing that he already had it open for me. "What's this?" I asked, noticing a drop of something red trickling down the side.

"Oh." He replied, taking the can back from me and wiping it off. "I cut my finger just a little when I was looking for a straw in the silverware drawer. Sorry. It's just on the side where I was holding it though."

He handed the drink back to me and smiled, his cheeks pushing up, dimples popping out. I had an urge to poke my finger into one of those dimples. Another searing flash of light through my head had me dropping the soda so that my hands could grab my head.

I expected to feel wetness from it being spilled all over me but it never came. When the pain passed, I opened my eyes and saw Colby still standing here, holding the drink.

"I caught it." He replied proudly. "Here, drink."

I took the soda again, and turned it up, letting the bubbles calm my nausea. "Nothing ever helps my migraines but thank you." I mumbled out, laying back in the bed again after I handed him the drink.

He walked around the bed and crawled in beside me, lying back.

"What are you doing?" I asked, nervous that he was getting in the bed with me.

After all, I barely knew him. My body was saying very different things to me right now, and him not being in the bed wasn't one of them.

My brain was saying otherwise, but what did she know? She was literally trying to kill me right now!

"I'm laying down with you to take care of you. Is that okay?" He was sincerely asking.

I gazed at him for a moment and nodded. He scooted closer to me, until he was right next to me, his side pressed against mine. One of his arms went behind my head, and under where he placed one of the ice packs against the back of my neck, holding it in place with his arm.

Basically, I was laying my head on his arm, with the ice pack wedged in between us. He pulled me closer against him and I couldn't stop the sigh that escaped my lips from how close he was. It felt right.

Like home. Like I was supposed to be in his arms and nowhere else. My head wasn't hurting as badly as it was before, but another flash of light behind my eyes had me yelling.

"Ow, fuck!" I exclaimed, feeling the tears spring to my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Love. I wish there was something more that I could do...I don't understand why you're still hurting. I thought that I did everything that I could." It sounded more like he was talking to himself than me right now.

"That's not how it works Colby. Migraines don't go away just because you googled some stuff. Usually I just have to wait them out. Prescription stuff doesn't even work for me. This one is different though." I was able to open my eyes again as I was speaking, finding him staring at me.

His eyes were glowing again, the silver ring expanding and then shrinking. It was weird.

"Your eyes are beautiful." I whispered. "Beautiful, but weird."

He smirked a little and his hand came up to trace down the side of it. "You're beautiful too. You're also weird."

"Hey!" I laughed very lightly. "I didn't say you were weird!"

I moved my head from his arm to his chest, feeling the rumble of laughter through his shirt.

"Does your head feel better?"

I thought about it and realized that it did. I hadn't even noticed. There was still a dull throb in the back of it, near my neck, but for the most part the pain was gone.

"Huh, yeah, it does. That's weird. It was just hurting so badly. I guess maybe my stalker is good for me." I joked, looking up at him.

He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not a stalker." He growled, glaring at me, but he had a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes back.

"Sure you're not." I replied.

This was so stupid. I was lying in my bed, my head on my stalker's chest, with him helping to get rid of a migraine that stopped almost as soon as he laid down next to me. My life had never been weirder.

We lay there quietly for a while, not speaking. The silence wasn't exactly uncomfortable but it wasn't comfortable either. Something felt unfinished, or just not right.

"Do you wanna tell me more about my life that I don't remember?" I asked hesitantly.

I wasn't sure that I wanted to hear it, or if I believed it, but it was a way to keep hearing his voice.

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