"Right?" I chewed my bottom lip, staring at him.
"We'll be fine baby. I promise. This is why I didn't want to tell you. I'm bringing some of the guys with me, and that's why there are people in the house tonight. They're going to be here protecting you guys. I called in back up, just in case." He smirked at me. "My Clan is superior babe. We'll all be fine. Don't worry so much. This is just precautionary so that they don't get the jump on us again. We weren't ready last time. We will be this time."
I looked at him warily.
I knew that they were considered to be at the top, the strongest besides the council, but still.
"Did you figure out how Millie's crew knocked everyone out?"
That had been bothering me. If they didn't know how she did it, then they were still at risk.
And so were me, Kat, and Devyn regardless of how many vampires were there to protect us.
"No, but we're working on it. I know that it was some kind of drug or poison. Usually, our body's recover from something that quickly, because the vampire venom burns it away, healing our bodies as if we were hurt, but this was something new. They still recovered but obviously, not as quickly. It's concerning but everyone is on high alert. I don't want you to worry about it."
I nodded, still worrying about it.
He leaned over and kissed my lips gently, placing his hand against my cheek.
"I'll be fine. I promise. Nothing and no one can take me away from you or you from me. We will always find each other."
I sighed against his lips and closed my eyes for a moment, reveling in his nearness. I felt like it was the closest to Heaven that I would ever be.
"I love you Chloe Daniels." he whispered.
I opened my eyes, meeting his blue gaze.
"I love you too Colby Brock. Please be careful and come home to me."
He kissed me again, just a simple pressing of his soft full lips against my own. "Always."
Just then, a soft furry paw started patting his hand that was against my cheek. I glanced over to see Prissy begging for his attention. We both laughed and I sat back while he grabbed her up, holding her against his chest.
"I've lost my baby." I replied, pouting and sticking out my bottom lip. "She loves you more than me."
Colby grinned, and shook his head before nuzzling against her neck. "She just has a crush on me."
I giggled and reached up to pet her. "Can't blame her. I guess that's one female that I don't mind sharing you with." I brought my hand back to my lap and looked down at them, playing with my rings. "Sooo, who's gonna be at the house with us tonight?" I asked hesitantly.
I wasn't really sure how I felt about random vampires being the ones to keep a watch on us. I didn't trust any of them except the ones that lived here.
"Well, I've got Sam coming with me. We always do these things together for the most part. Also, Jake, Tara, and Elton. Then there will be a few that you don't know, like Dean, Elias, Chase, Cora, and a few more. So, Elton, Mike, Kevin, Corey, and Aryia staying here, plus about 12 others that you don't know." I looked back up at him hesitantly. "They're all good vamps. I wouldn't leave them here with you if I didn't trust them." He shrugged. "Anyways, the guys aren't going to let anyone bother you guys. At least two of them will be stalking you all night, literally standing outside the bathroom, waiting on you, so have fun with that."
My hesitant look turned into a glare as he smirked at me.
"ANYWAYS." I emphasized. "How long do you think it will take you?"
He grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against his chest. Prissy glared at us both, jumping down and meowing in protest. She sauntered over to her food bowl and sat down to eat.
"Spoiled bitch." I muttered watching her.
Colby laughed, and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.
"Why do you wanna know how long it's going to take? Miss me already?"
"Yes." I whined, laying my head back against him, and turning my face to his.
He chuckled, turning his head towards me.
"Not long. 2 or 3 hours hopefully. Shouldn't take longer than that. Just have you a girl's night. You guys hang out, change into your sexy little sleeping clothes, have pillow fights, and gossip about us." I rolled my eyes at him and he shrugged, grinning. "That's what I always imagine that girls do. You wanna go meet everyone?"
I groaned. "Suuurree, I guess."
"You'll like them." he replied patting my leg, to let me know to stand up. "Actually, you already know Dean. He's not staying here." he shook his hard.
I furrowed my brow, and shook my own head.
"I don't know a Dean."
He raised his eyebrows, looking a little angry. "Yeah, you do. The vamp you kissed the night you left me." he replied gruffly.
I blushed, remembering the very attractive vamp guy that I had pretty much assaulted, when I was pissed at Colby.
"Oh." was all I said.
"Yeeahh, so he'll be going with me. He's a good guy but I still have a hard time looking at him. Even harder time letting him be around you."
I ran my hand through my hair, and glanced up at him. "Sorry about that. I didn't know that he was your friend. I would've chosen someone that you hated, if I had known."
He growled at me, a sound that should have been scary but honestly just turned me on. His eyes flashed when he noticed, the pupil expanding along with the silver ring.
"Come on." He grabbed my hand, and we went out the door, making sure that Prissy was locked in behind us.
I saw a few people or vamps standing around at the bottom of the stairs, just waiting for something.

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...