115 (Colby's POV)

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I had been feeding on her in the alley right next to where I was standing. Guess he was the guy that was yelling at us. Huh. Small world.

I snapped back to reality, still standing at the door with my hand on the door knob.

 "He just felt evil though. Like something wasn't right about him. And you know Millie used to work here? He came by to visit her once...tore the place apart because she made him mad for some reason. This was after we broke up of course."

Why in the fuck did he still have his hand on hers??

 This mother fucker was asking to die.

"I tried not to be here when she was here, for obvious reason, but that day I was. He destroyed everything. I yelled at him again, telling him that I was going to call the cops. He didn't stop, so I called them. He was gone by the time they got here but I did file the report. I guess nothing ever came from it. I just wanted to tell you."

Why in the fuck was she still allowing him to basically hold her hand?

What the hell was going on?

"I don't want you to get hurt."

Oh fuck you bitch! You're about to get hurt.

Just then she moved her hand and moved away from him.

 "I'll be fine Jeff. Colby wouldn't hurt me. That probably wasn't even him."

She knew it was me. I could tell by the way her voice was shaking when she answered him, but she still took up for me.

He stared at her for a moment. I could smell the attraction that he had for her from here. Fucking prick.

 He was dead.

"Okay. I'm glad you think so. Just be careful. I don't think I could stand it if anything happened to you

Did he really just say that to her? She backed up a little more away from him. Good girl. That's my Chloe.

 I could tell she was uncomfortable. I growled deep in my throat, wanting to just bust through this glass and rip his fucking throat out...but I didn't. I thought about it and knew that Chloe wouldn't like that very much. She'd be pissed at me.

 Instead, I ducked back behind the wall quickly, sensing that she was about to look my way. He was going to get it though. Little preppy Jeffy had no idea what he had done.

 A death sentence was coming his way. I was pissed. I punched the wall on the inside of the alley, knocking down chunks of the concrete.

No one looked my way from the street. It was a good thing really, because I wasn't really in the mood for anyone to fuck with me. I might actually kill them right now.

The breath that I didn't need was coming fast, in and out of my nose, as I tried to calm myself. That was weird for me. Usually I didn't give a fuck but for some reason, I felt the need to control myself.

 It's Chloe. The effect that she was having on me. She was changing me and at the moment, I wasn't sure that I like it.

 I wanted to rage, to break everything in my path, to hurt anyone who crossed me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I sighed and pulled it out. I was surprised to see it ringing instead of a text.

I snatched it up, not paying attention to who it was.

"WHAT?" I barked into the phone, expecting it to be Sam or one of the guys checking up on me since they hadn't heard from me.

 "Colby...?" Chloe's sweet voice filled my ears, calming me instantly.

"Chloe," I breathed out, feeling the calm spread through my body.

"Are you here?"

 I debated on whether or not to answer honestly. "Y-yeah, I am. I'm sorry."

She was quiet for a moment. "It's okay." She sounded uncertain, or nervous. "Are you okay?" She asked me.

 I was quiet this time, pondering that.

 Was I?

I wasn't a moment ago, but I think I am now.

"Yeah...now I am."

"Have you been listening to my conversation with Jeff...or watching me?"

 I sighed again, letting my head fall against the concrete wall. "Yeah, I have been Chloe. I've been watching over you. To make sure that you stay safe. I know that you said that you needed your space, and I'm giving you that. I just needed to- to- you just needed to be safe." I was choking on my words, trying to make her understand. "I really am trying to give you your space Chloe but it's just so fucking hard. I just want to be near you, to smell your sweet skin," I heard her sharp intake of breath and it fueled me on. "I need to feel your lips on mine baby, your hands on my neck, I just need you with me."

She took a shaky breath, sounding like she was about to cry. Now I felt bad. I didn't want to make her cry.

 "I'm sorry," I muttered.

I was being selfish again, but it's really all I knew how to be.

I needed her.

"I'm coming outside Colby."

 My heart soared. She wanted to see me. I shot around the corner and bounced on the balls of my feet, impatiently waiting for her to come outside.

 It had only been a few hours since I held her in my arms but I missed her. Plus she didn't know about it so it didn't count.

She walked outside, her hair glowing in the blazing sun, her eyes bright. If I wasn't already dead, I would've died right then, because all of the air was sucked right out of my body by how beautiful she looked. I honestly wanted to grab her and fold her body against mine as tightly as I could, so bad that my hand reached out on it's own accord.

 I snatched it back and ran it through my hair to play it off.

"Hey," She breathed out, her eyes nervously darting to mine.

"Hey," I replied softly.

I took a chance and held my arms out to her. She stared at me for a moment and I started to lower my arms. Before I did, she dove into them, squeezing me tightly.

 I buried my face in her hair, inhaling and letting the flames ignite my senses. I wanted to taste her, to fill up on her, but I controlled it. Now it just seemed like I wanted to be with her more than anything. 

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