Colby chuckled deep in his chest.
"I'll be good. I'll TRY to be good. I still want to kill him...or seriously maim him. I'll meet you when you get off though, and we'll go back to your place. Deal?"
I nodded against his chest and pulled back. "Deal." I leaned forwards, and pressed my lips to his quickly, pulling away before I could get lost in him. "You should go. I'll see you soon."
He smiled at me, wickedly, and pressed his lips to mine again, roughly shoving his tongue into my mouth for a moment, before smacking his lips against mine. "Yeah, I'll see you soon. Tell Jeffy to keep his hands to himself unless he wants a black eye to match that black jaw." He walked towards the door, waving his hand up in the air at me.
What do ya know, Jeff decides to walk back into the store at this time. Of course, he does. His head was down, as he walked straight towards Colby.
I could tell that Colby didn't plan on moving. He was going to let him walk right into him.
"Hey Jeff." I called out.
His head snapped up just in time, and he side stepped Colby, effectively dodging him, while still eyeing him warily.
Colby was still in a good mood so he winked at him and started walking towards the door.
"See you later tonight Lover! Can't wait to-"
"Goodbye Colby!" I yelled, cutting him off.
I don't know what he was about to say but I was one hundred percent certain that it would have been perverted. He glanced back at me, and smiled, before laughing and walking out the door.
I breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't just up and tried to kill Jeff again.
"He came back? You know what, never mind."
I didn't answer him, but I turned my face to hide the small smile playing on my lips. Guess he learned to not talk about him at all. Probably for the best.
I could imagine Colby listening, and waiting for him to say something so that he could come back in here and rage again.
"Guess you're out of luck love." I whispered, knowing that he could hear me.
The rest of the night was uneventful, and slow. I was bored, sitting on the counter top texting Colby when the bell over the door rang, drawing my attention. A red haired girl, around my age probably, sauntered up to the counter.
I didn't pay much attention to her, since I was thinking about the last text that Colby sent me telling me that he was counting down the minutes until I walked out that door so that he could see me.
"Can I help you?" I asked, looking down at the touch screen register.
"Yeah," she replied, her voice high and whiny.
"I'll take a Mocha Latte with a shot of type O neg please."
I pressed the buttons on the screen and then-
"What?" I asked, looking up at her.
That's when I noticed the silver rings and the dark shadows under her eyes.
"Hiya Cutie! That's what you've got right?" She leaned towards me and I froze, while she inhaled deeply. "Yeah, you smell like an O neg. I'll take a shot of that." Her green eyes turned black instantly, the little black veins that I had grown to love on Colby now looked terrifying and deadly on her.
She opened her mouth and hissed, showing her sharp fangs protruding from her gums. I stumbled back, keeping my eyes on her as she jumped up on the counter, landing in a crouch.
"Colby!" I screamed, not worrying about if Jeff heard me or not.
Hell, I wasn't even thinking about him at the moment. Colby came bursting through the door for the second time that night, his eyes wide when he took in the scene in front of him, meeting my terrified gaze.
"Millie?" I heard Jeff's voice behind me, sounding surprised and unbelieving. "Is that you?"
Are you kidding me right now? Fucking Millie, Jeff's ex and Colby's ex, was a fucking vampire? Just my luck.
When I tore my eyes away from Colby, who didn't really look as shocked as I felt, I met Millie's eyes again. She inched towards me, and I backed up.
"Stop right there Millie," Colby growled out, as he shrank down into a crouch.
"Hiya Loverboy, it's been a while."
I wasn't sure if she was talking to Jeff or Colby, because her eyes were locked on mine. She meant to kill me. I could see it.
"Millie, what is wrong with you? What are you doing?" Jeff asked, coming up beside me.
Could he not tell that she was a lethal psycho bitch now? He actually did have a death wish.
"What's wrong with your eyes? They look just like..." his voice trailed off as he looked over to Colby. "You did this to her!? What did you do, you freak?!"
Colby didn't take his eyes off of Millie as he scoffed at Jeff. "I didn't do this to her, you fucking idiot. You think I wanted her to be around forever?" He shook his head in disgust. "Not a chance."
Millie swung her head around to look at Colby, finally breaking our gaze. I sucked in a painful breath, realizing that I hadn't been breathing.
"Aw baby, don't be like that! You know we had something special. That's why it's your blood that changed me." She blew him a kiss, just as a sharp pain went through my chest.
I didn't want to think about Colby in a relationship with someone else. He didn't even tell me about her, except that she was just another passing female that he fed from.
His blood changed her? What the hell? I looked over to Colby, who had his eyes on me now.
Even black, I could tell that he was looking at me with remorse, begging me for forgive him. For what exactly, I wasn't sure.
"Millie, get down and come with me. I'll get you some help baby. He never cared for you. I did. Whatever he did to you, we can fix it. It'll be fine. I promise." He held his hand out to her, walking closer.
She turned her head back to him, and looked down at his hand confused.

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...