194 (Colby's POV)

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I leaned forwards and dropped my head into my hands.

"Sam, I don't know what to do in this situation. I feel like I NEED to do this for her. Like I have to do it. It's an uncontrollable urge that I have to make her right. To fix her, to help her. I don't know if it's because of the One thing, or if it's something else altogether, but I can't help it. I have to do this, regardless of what happens to me."

"COLBY!" My eyes shot up to his glaring stare.

"Shut up, you're gonna wake her up!" I hissed at him.

"Maybe I should wake her up. Maybe I should march in there right now, and tell her what you're planning on doing."

Now my glare matched his. "You wouldn't dare." I growled out.

He leaned towards me so that he was only about a foot away, holding my gaze.

"Try me Brother. You know that I will."

I sat back on the couch, my fists clenched.

I actually wanted to hit him.

"Fuck you Sam."

"Fuck you right back Colby. You aren't going through with this. We will find another way to bring her all the way back. If we don't, then we'll re discuss this. Agreed?"

I rolled my eyes. "I've already spoken to Aza about this. He said there wasn't any-"

"You think Aza is actually your friend? This is his fault for not keeping Millie on a leash. We talked to him about it even, and look what happened! We can talk to the Council or"

"NO!" I blurted out. "We can't talk to the Council. Not unless it's our last option. That will bring a lot of questions around about Millie, Elton, and myself. Not to mention, why we didn't report all of this to begin with. We didn't even report when they attacked us or that they have something that can actually put us out for a while. Do you realize how much trouble we'll be in? We could even be demoted or exiled. If we have to, we will though."

My head went back into my hands, thinking about all of the stuff that I had been avoiding.

Why did I let it get this bad? I should've just went to the council and told them that I changed Millie accidentally. Maybe they would have gone easy on me, considering that my clan and I are such a big asset to them.

Now though...now, they were going to have a problem.

Sam still hadn't spoken so I looked back up at him.

"Well? Anymore bright ideas Golbach?"

He bit his lip, then ran his hand through his hair, before letting out a long breath. "Yeah...there's this girl."

I snorted. "Don't you have Katrina? And if you haven't forgotten, I can't do ANYTHING with any other girl besides Chloe. Not like I'd want to anyways."

He glared at me. "Oh shut up and listen Smart Ass. Damn, I had almost forgotten how annoying you are." He shook his head and looked down at his hands for a moment before looking back up at me. "There is this girl that I used to mess around with. You probably know her. Hell, you probably fucked her. Her name is Melanie. She was into Witchcraft and even talked about making deals with the Devil. That sort of thing. So Black Magic, the hard stuff. Maybe she can help us. She hasn't been to the house in a while though. We'd have to find her."

I didn't remember her at all. That wasn't unusual though. They were all nameless, faceless blood bags or toys to me.

Before Chloe, obviously. There were only a few that I remembered their names, and that was just because they were always at the damn house.

"Okay, so how do we find her?" I asked.

If we had run across an actual witch with ties to some kind of supernatural power, maybe she could help us. Hopefully, I hadn't hurt her or pissed her off in some way.

Sam shrugged.

"No idea."

My mouth dropped open. "Are you serious right now Sam? Why would you even bring it up then?!" I realized that my voice was getting louder, so I dropped it back down, when I heard Chloe start murmuring in her sleep.

"S'not right." She kept saying.

What in the hell wasn't right? She kept saying that.

Was she talking about us?

Or her memories?

Why did she have to talk in her sleep? It was driving me crazy because I couldn't find out what she was talking about. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Are we vampires or not Colby?" He asked smartly.

"Now is not the time Sam." I replied through gritted teeth.

"Listen, we can track her down. It might not be easy, but we can do it. There are always hundreds of people at those parties and we have a list as long as the damn street. Someone has to know her or where she is. It's worth a shot right?" He asked earnestly.

I nodded, and stood up. I zipped to the kitchen and back, sitting back down while I popped my fangs into another blood bag.

"Yeah, it's worth a shot." I zoned in on Chloe's breathing, noticing that it was getting lighter, which meant that she was waking up. "Fuck, Chloe's waking up. You need to go. See what you can find out and I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded and headed out onto the balcony. "And Sam," I called after him.

He turned back to me for a second.

"Thanks Brother. I mean it. Couldn't get through this without you."

He smiled his big ass grin at me. "Sam and Colby vs. The World Brother." He winked and jumped off the balcony, leaving me to shut the door.

I was doing just that, when Chloe walked in behind me.

"Hey." She said sleepily, rubbing her eyes as I turned to look at her.

She was gorgeous. Her hair tousled from sleep, her skin rosy. She was still in her business skirt and shirt...damn, that just really did it for me.

Too bad I couldn't do anything about it besides pull at these tight ass pants. Her eyes glanced down at me situating my jeans and back up, growing wide. She didn't say anything though.

"Hey." I replied. "What are you doing up?"

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