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He actually disappeared for all of two seconds then he was standing in front of me fully dressed, looking amazing. I shook my head.

"It's not fair," I said, looking him up and down.

 He was dressed in grey sweatpants and a black hoodie, and still looked fucking perfect.

"What's not?" He asked, leaning his face down into my neck as he grabbed my hips.

"That you literally look perfect all the time, while I look like a damn potato."

 He snorted, and brought his head back up, letting his eyes meet mine. "You're the most beautiful potato I've ever seen."

 I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Whatever. Let's go." We walked downstairs, stopping by the TV room on our way out. "Hey Kat!" I said loud enough to get her attention.

She and Devyn were watching some music video, singing along with it, so I had to raise my voice a bit. They both looked over at me mid song, but kept singing.

 Kat jumped up and ran over to me. She grabbed my hand and spun me around, making me dance with her. I laughed, and pulled Dev up with us, just enjoying ourselves for a few minutes.

 When the song went off, we were all out of breath and laughing. A slow clap started and I looked to Colby, who had a grin on his face.

"Not bad," he said, holding his hand out to me.

 I took it and lost my breath as I was set into another spin and ended up in a dip, lying back in his arms. He grinned down at me, and winked. I took a deep breath.

"I am honestly never going to get used to the speed thing," I gasped out, letting him stand me up straight.

He just chuckled.

"Hey, I'm gonna talk to the guys later, but how do you guys feel about going out tonight, to a club or something? All of us." Colby asked, looking in between Kat and Dev.

 "Huh?" Devyn's brow was furrowed like he was speaking another language and she didn't understand him.

"Go out? Tonight? All of us?" Colby repeated, looking unsure of himself.

She glanced from me to him, then to Kat.

 "Is this real?" she whispered.

 Kat burst out laughing, while Colby rolled his eyes in aggravation.

"Do you wanna go or not?" he growled out.

Still my moody guy, I smiled when Devyn put her hand on his arm.

"Yes Colby, we wanna go out with you guys. Sorry, I'm not making fun of you! Okay, maybe I am, but it's just weird for you to be this way and you know it. Let me have a little fun."

She patted his arm and he sighed, chewing the inside of his bottom lip.

 "Alright, I'm going with Chloe to her place if anyone asks. I'll catch up on some sleep while I'm there and we'll be back by dark. Tell them no jobs tonight. Keep it open cuz everyone is going out."

Devyn and Kat both saluted at the same time, then looked at each other and laughed. I grinned at them, while Colby shook his head and dragged me from the room.

 "Fucking girls," he whispered.

 "Hey!" I replied in indignation.

He glanced back at me, and bit his bottom lip.

 "Sorry. I didn't mean you. They can just be annoying sometimes."

 "Last time I checked, I was a 'fucking girl' Mr. Brock."

He stopped when we got to his car and pulled me to him. "I like it when you call me Mr. Brock." His voice dropped a couple of octaves and set my body tingling.

 He was a sex demon. I was convinced that he was sent by Heaven and Hell to give me the utmost heavenly pleasure in the most sinful ways.

 He buried his face in my neck and inhaled deeply. I almost moaned but I bit my lip to hold it in.

"Doesn't that bother you?" I gasped out.

He shook his head against my skin.

 "Not anymore," he murmured. "Cuz I can have it when I want it."

 To prove his point, he nipped at my flesh with his normal teeth causing me to let out a short yelp. He raised his head grinning mischievously.

 I decided to mess with him a little bit.

"I think you're getting soft Mr. Brock."

 He cocked his eyebrow at me and rested his back against his car, pulling me with him. "Is that right?"

I nodded. "Yep. Why didn't you scare them, or tell Devyn off for making fun of you?" I tsked at him. "Seems like someone is definitely going soft to me."

"Keep on talking and I'm gonna show you just how 'soft' I am." He ground his hips against my own, letting me know that he was definitely NOT soft.

I pushed back gently against his chest.

"Okay, I get it. Not soft. My bad. Can we go before we end up NOT going at all?"

He gave me a wolfish grin and let me go, opening my door in the process. I climbed into his car at the same time that he climbed in on the driver's side. The ride didn't take long, and soon enough, we were walking into my apartment.

Prissy met me at the door, meowing like crazy until she saw Colby. She started hissing and ran into the other room. He walked inside behind me and shrugged.

"I've never even seen that cat before now. Guess I know why now. She doesn't like me. Most animals don't. It's part of the whole vampire thing." His eyes got sad as he spoke about it.

 "You love animals, don't you?"

 He nodded, and gave me a small smile. "I do. I had 2 dogs back in Kansas where I grew up. Koki and Foxy. They were the loves of my life. I haven't seen them in years. I don't even know if they're still alive."

My heart broke for the young boy inside of him that missed his puppies.

"Is there no way that you can go back? Visit your parents, let them know that you aren't actually dead without telling them your secret?"

He shook his head. "It's against the rules. Our old lives must be left behind. It's easier for the ones that don't have a family to leave, but for ones like me and Sam...it was really hard. Worse for Sam I think, because I turned my emotions off shortly after turning."

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