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I could feel my face flaming up again, as he chuckled at me. He dropped my gaze and reached out to pet Prissy who was lying in the middle of the bed.

"Sure you weren't." He replied.

Maybe I was but damn.

Did he really have to bust me out like that?

I mean, how was I supposed to not look at that?! It really shouldn't be legal. The way his muscles moved in his arms when he stripped his shirt over his head.

Or the way his stomach flexed when he caught me staring. Then, to make matters even worse, he turned around and I had to stare at the muscles rolling in his back and arms, his tattoos flexing with every movement. I think he did it on purpose just so that he could make fun of me for looking.

I wouldn't put it past him. I could already tell that he was full of himself and that he knew the effect that he had on me. I avoided his gaze as I stalked over to the bed and lay down.

I drew my legs up to go under the blanket and felt his eyes on me the entire time. I was honestly still all kinds of messed up from hearing him say he loved me.

Was that even real? I didn't really believe in love anymore after everything that had happened in my life, and with my ex. After my parents died, everyone just let me down. There was no sense in opening up to people when they just hurt you in the end.

When he told me that I had a house full of people that I considered my friends, even a best friend...well, my heart soared a little, thinking of the possibility that it could be real. Even though I was guarded and made sure that no one got close enough to hurt me, I was also extremely lonely. I didn't even have anyone to share news with about my new job, or the funny way that Prissy chased a ball of paper around the living room floor.

No one to go out with, or watch movies with. Being here with Colby tonight was the closest thing to companionship that I have had in a long time. I thought that it would feel weird, but it just felt...right.

It was weird that I really wanted him to be telling me the truth. Even weirder that I was starting to believe him about the fact that I had lost half of my memories. Every time I tried to think hard about something to see if I could remember it, that painful flash of light would happen.

I was beginning to think it was more than just a migraine. When I woke up from the nightmare that I could no longer remember, and Colby wasn't there,I almost cried. It felt like I needed him beside me.

Even worse, that I wasn't complete without him. I had promised myself that I would never rely on someone like that ever again, that I would only ever need myself, but here I was falling for a complete stranger and having absolutely no control over it. I sighed, and lay my head back against my pillow.

It wasn't long before I felt Colby scooting closer to me.

"Mad at me?" He murmured, putting his arm above my head, waiting for me to sit up so that he could put it under me.

I complied, and then curled up against him, leaving room for Prissy in between us.

"No." I pouted.

He chuckled again, the sound vibrating through his chest, into my cheek.

"Don't be embarrassed. Trust me, I was drooling a few minutes ago."

"Whatever." I scoffed, but couldn't stop the grin from crossing my face.

I still couldn't believe that this man wanted me. I didn't understand it at all.

I was nothing special but he made me feel more special than anyone ever had, besides my parents, in just a couple of days.

"I'm serious. You have no idea the effect you have on me baby girl. It's...addictive."

I just sighed, and threw my leg over his, not knowing how to reply. Prissy was still in between us, right above my leg. When I moved, she looked at me haughtily.

"He doesn't belong to you, you know." I told her sternly.

Her golden eyes just blinked at me, and I could swear she was thinking otherwise, when she got up and moved to his chest, curling up next to my head.

"Damn cat." I muttered.

Colby laughed and stroked his long fingers through her fur. His rings glinted in city lights that were shining through the tiny sliver left open in the curtains. My mouth went dry watching his fingers flex, and the veins protrude in his wrist.

What the fuck was happening to me?

Hands were now sexy and I had never, ever had that happen before.

"What do you think about calling in tomorrow? Maybe tell him you're sick? I think it would be good for you to recuperate a little from that migraine. I mean, if you want to. I'm not trying to tell you what to do."

I turned my head, resting my chin on his chest so that I could see his face. "Why do you do that?" I asked.

He glanced down at me.

"Do what?"

"Make everything so...nice. I feel like you're holding back who you actually are or something. I don't know. I don't really know you, but it doesn't feel right when you act that way."

He let out a short quiet laugh and took his hand from Prissy to push my hair back from my face. "You're right. I'm not usually so...compliant with what you want to do. If I feel like you should do something, I just tell you to do it. Usually, you go against me, just to piss me off. I'm trying to work a different angle and not scare you off from being too...forceful."

I smiled at him. "You're not going to scare me off, but yeah, that sounds like me. Okay, let me see how I feel when my alarm goes off, and we'll go from there."

He nodded in agreement, and I lay my head back down, closing my eyes.

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