151 (Mature)

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"What do you want to do Chloe?" Colby's voice grew rough, and the blue of his eyes darkened a little, his pupils expanding.

 Oh. That could work. I was beginning to understand why Kat couldn't control herself when she woke up.

 I pushed him back against the bed, knowing that he could stop me if he wanted to. Knowing that he wouldn't.

Once he was on his back, I straddled his waist, and leaned over, letting my hair hang down around us.

 "You." I replied, before crashing my lips against his.

His hand found the back of my head, holding me in place. My hips seemed to have a mind of their own, grinding down into him, feeling his bulge against my core. He groaned into my mouth, encouraging me.

 I didn't usually take control during sex. Ever...but the way I was feeling with his blood coursing through my veins had me wanting to dominate, to use him the way I had allowed him to use me.

 I broke our kiss and found his ear lobe, biting gently, before trailing my tongue down his neck, stopping to nip and suck along the way.

"Fuck," he hissed out, his hands trailing under my shirt, biting into the skin of my back.

I smiled against his skin, loving that I could have this effect on him. It made me feel powerful.

"You have too many clothes on." I said, surprised at how breathy my voice sounded.

He sat up so fast, I would've fallen if his hands hadn't been holding me.

Once I steadied myself on his lap, I reached for the edge of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head. My eyes drank him up, while my hands traced over every inch of skin they could find. I was staring at his chest, but I could feel his eyes on me, watching me.

I leaned forwards and pressed my lips to the heart lock tattoo over his right peck, kissing him softly, then traced it with my tongue.

 His breathing got heavier, a little faster, even though he didn't need the air. His hands gripped my hips tightly, bruising me, but I didn't care. I was craving him in every way possible and only wanted him to hold me tighter.

 I pulled away from him, and stood up, hearing a small whimper escape his lips when I did. I clenched my legs together at the sound. No wonder he liked making me do that. It was intoxicating to hear.

I held his gaze as I stripped myself completely of my clothes. He licked his lips, the silver of his eyes growing, while his pupils blew out. His gaze was so intense, it was almost overwhelming.

I was nervous as hell, but I wanted to do this. To make him feel as good as he makes me feel. I got on my knees in front of him, watching his eyes widen so much, it was almost comical.

I rubbed my hands up the fabric over his thighs, until I reached the button of his jeans. I flicked it open, then brought the zipper down slowly over his massive bulge. He groaned again, the sound going straight to my core.

"What the fuck are you doing to me?" he moaned out, as he lifted his hips for me to slide his pants down.

 I just smiled, pulling them the rest of the way off, leaving him in his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Oh, how I loved those.

I rocked back on my heels and looked up at him, letting my eyes travel over his body, then back to his eyes. He looked...hungry, the black eyes coming in strong. It was sexy as hell.

 "I love you." I said, before placing my hands on his hips, pulling his underwear down, just enough for his length to spring free.

 He sucked in an unneeded breath, as my hand closed around the base of him tightly. I lowered my lips to his tip, kissing it before darting my tongue out to catch the little bit of pre cum that was there. I licked around the tip, hearing him hiss between his teeth again, as his hand came up to the back of my head, fisting in my hair.

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