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I grabbed the can with both hands and let the contents of my stomach violently exit. I felt one of Colby's hands on my back, rubbing gentle circles as I got sick. The other was holding my hair back away from my face.

Not the sexiest thing that you wanted your boyfriend to see, but I guess it happens. Once my stomach was empty, I leaned back up, taking the wet rag that Sam handed to me to wipe my mouth and face.

"Thanks," I said weakly.

"No problem. You ready to take them on already?" he joked.

 I grinned while Colby shot him a glare.

"Don't encourage her. She's already in enough danger, without you telling her that she can fight them too."

Sam shrugged but it kind of upset me.

"What, you think I can't help? I might not be some hot shot vampire but I've been taking care of myself for a long time Colby Brock, WITHOUT you being there to protect me, I might add!" Another wave of nausea hit me, and I lay back on the bed again. "Maybe not right now though," I added, groaning and holding my stomach.

Colby shook his head, and pursed his lips looking at me.

"Stop looking at me. I don't feel good and your eyes make me want to do things that I can't do right now," I moaned out.

Sam burst out laughing, while I watched the humor enter the eyes that I was talking about. Colby rolled those beautiful blues and smiled.

"Can't resist me even when you're puking your lungs up, huh?"

 I groaned again. "Don't say puke, please," I begged, struggling to sit up again. "Why am I so sick?"

Colby took my hand in his and started playing with my rings. "Because of the amount of blood you lost for one. The nausea though...that's like withdrawals from all of the different venom that was in your system. The bites from multiple vampires." His voice grew hard again.

 I didn't want him to stay angry right now.

As much as I loved my smart ass, angry vampire, I wanted Soft Colby right now.

"Oh...so how long have I been out? Another 3 days?"

 He gave me a small smile and shook his head. "No. Just a couple of hours. Everyone else is downstairs, except Katrina and Devyn. They went to sleep. They weren't as messed up as you but the Rogue clan had fun with them too."

 I shivered thinking about it again. "They're okay though? Everyone's okay?"

Sam and Colby nodded.

 "Everyone is fine. Just worried about you."

Everyone was worried about me?

"Even Elton?" I asked, jokingly.

Sam laughed again, and Colby smiled.

"Yes, even Elton. He likes you Chloe. Thinks you're fun to argue with. He's not wrong," Colby replied.

 I rolled my eyes.

"Don't start Brock. I'm not at my best, but I will still win."

He leaned over and pressed his lips to my cheek. "Just like you won at mini golf, huh?" he whispered in my ear, sending electrical currents through my body from his cool breath caressing my skin.

 I turned my head and met his gaze, noticing his eyes darkening.

"Maybe I should leave..." Sam said, turning towards the door.

 "No," Colby replied, not taking his eyes from mine. "We're all going downstairs if you're ready?"

 I gulped and nodded.

I kind of wanted Sam to leave but I was pretty sure that my body couldn't handle Colby right then.

"Let me brush my teeth and change..."

I looked down at my clothes, realizing that I didn't have my torn, bloody dress on anymore.

 Instead, I was dressed in one of Colby's white long sleeve t-shirts, and a pair of grey joggers.

 "Oh, guess I don't need to change."

I looked back up at Colby again, his expression sheepish. "I changed you. Couldn't stand seeing you in that any longer. Thought you would be more comfortable."

He looked down at his hands. I don't think I would ever get used to the soft side, no matter how much I was starting to see it.

"Thank you," I replied gently, putting my hand on his cheek. "I love you."

He looked sad, but gave me a small smile. "Come on, let's go downstairs." He stood, taking my hand and helping me up.

My ears didn't work as well as his, but I could have sworn that I heard him say something as he turned his back to me, walking out of his room.

Sounded an awful lot like 'maybe you shouldn't love me.'

 I couldn't be sure though and I didn't want to make things worse right now. The air was already thick with tension from the current situation. Better to ignore it for now, and come back to it later.

 Huh, maybe I was getting wiser and more calm as I grew.

"Gonna check on Kat really quick," Sam replied, then he was gone.

 Colby and I walked down the hall at a normal human pace and I was thankful for that. Really don't think that my stomach could have handled the whole vampire speed thing right now.

 "You sure you're feeling okay?" Colby asked me, letting go of my hand and placing it around my waist.

 I nodded, just as Sam joined us again.

 "Kat's still sleeping, but she seems to be doing fine. Her neck and wrists are almost healed. Devyn's should be too, probably."

 My eyes widened. "Wait, what? How?"

Colby got a guilty look on his face. "They were fed Sam and Corey's blood. It heals our soul mate, if they choose to take it."

I couldn't even speak at first.

 I just stared at him incredulously.

 "Soooo, you're just now mentioning this? Not when I was in a coma for 3 days? and I thought that Sam and Corey had never checked if Kat and Devyn were their actual Ones. How do they know?"

 "It wouldn't have woken you up. Your body needed to rest. And they took a chance. If Katrina and Devyn weren't their Ones, then the blood would have made them violently ill." Colby replied defensively. 

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