143 (Colby's POV)

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"No bro," I laughed, pushing Sam in the shoulder.

 He grinned and waggled his eyebrows at me.

"You sure?"

 I shook my head, smiling. "I'm not having a threesome with you and Jake...unless Corey joins us."

Corey raised his eyebrows and grinned bashfully. "Ooo, I'm down. We can go camping and kiss."

 We all cracked up leaning against the wall. There was no doubt that we were straight, but we joked around all the time, just being funny.

 "Colby, we need you." I heard Tara's voice in my ear.

 I didn't waste any time at all. One second I was up against the wall joking with the guys, in the next I was in the dimly lit hallway, watching some guy holding Chloe by her waist up against him.

 "Let her go or I'll kill you." The words rolled off of my tongue with ease, and I meant every word.

 He glanced back at me and grinned. Guess he didn't know who he was messing with.

 "Bring it," he replied.

 I didn't have time to do or think anything before his fangs were piercing the skin of her wrist, making her cry out in pain and shock. Rage poured through my veins, fueling the monster within. 

"Nooo," Chloe groaned out.

 She struggled against him, but it made no difference. No one was supposed to touch her. She was mine.

 This wasn't right. Then his fangs were snatched from her wrist, as he went flying across the hallway where I had thrown him.

"Guard her," I snarled out, pointing at Chloe.

Tara moved to stand in front of her, snarling at the guy, her lips curled back against her fangs. Katrina grabbed her arm and held the ripped, bleeding wrist up, while Devyn's arms came around her waist to steady her. I could tell by the way she was swaying that she was already feeling the effects of the bite, combined with the alcohol that she had consumed.

"M'need to sit," she mumbled out, stumbling against Devyn.

"Okay sweetie, walk with us."

They started to lead her towards a bench on the opposite wall. Knowing that she was okay, I turned my attention back to the random vamp that had just tasted his last bit of blood. He was in a crouch, one hand on the floor in front of him, ready to attack, with a nasty grin spread across his face.

His lips were coated in Chloe's thick red blood, pissing me off even more.

"You're dead," I snarled at him.

 He laughed again. This mother fucker wanted to die and his wish was about to be granted. I flew at him, just as he started towards me.

 We collided, causing the walls around us to tremble from the force. I grabbed the back of his head and smashed it against the floor repetitively, forming a crater in the concrete ground.

"Colby!" I heard Sam's voice, and glanced back at him.

 The bastard beneath me took the advantage and flipped himself, making me fly through the air. My back connected with the wall and I dropped down into a crouch, whirling to face him again.

"I don't need your help," I growled out, keeping my eyes on my enemy.

 "You can't do this here. You're drawing a crowd," Sam's voice was in my ear now, since he was standing next to me glaring at the other vamp.

 "Where?" I asked, my voice still coming out in a low growl.

 I knew that I was in full vamp mode right now, black and red eyes, veins under my eyes, fangs completely extended. I wanted to murder him, and that's exactly what I was going to do.

"The alley out back. It's secluded," Sam murmured.

 I nodded quickly, met his gaze then looked back at the vamp. Sam and I took off towards him at the same time, grabbed him by the arms, and flew out the back door, ending up in the alley. We slammed him up against the brick wall, bashing his head against it.

 His head oozed black blood, as we let him go and he slumped to the ground. He was a little disoriented as he looked up at us and laughed again.

"You have no idea what you've done," he wheezed out.

Guess we had broken some ribs or something.

"What we've done?!" I exclaimed.

 Sam laughed as I kicked the guy in the stomach.

"You do realize that you're about to die, right?" He asked the random vamp.

 The guy shook his head.

"You can't kill me. You'll start a war."

I let out a short bark of a laugh right in his face as I kneeled down in front of him. "Actually, I can. You see, you openly fed on a human in front of other humans. Plenty of witnesses. Not to mention, that particular human just so happens to be my One causing me to vamp out, threatening the Secret. So you see, I am entitled to kill you in retaliation under rule of the Council. Your clan can't touch me or mine," I tapped the side of his head with my finger, just to be an asshole.

His eyes grew wide at my words, and he shook his head.

 "No...she said that I would be safe. That you couldn't kill me," he stammered out, looking frightened.

 I narrowed my eyes and glanced at Sam.

"Who said that?"

He shook his head and didn't answer, looking around the alley way. I kicked him again, harder this time and in the chest.

He huffed out a breath, and wheezed again when I felt his sternum crack.

"Fuuuck, it was Millie. She needed me to distract you."

This time Sam punched him in the face, cracking his nose open, black blood seeping everywhere. "Why?!" He yelled.

 "So that she could get your girl!" The vamp screamed.

 I saw red. My blood boiled and I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was getting Chloe back in my arms, where I knew she would be safe.

Sam looked at me.

"Go," was all he said.

 I took off, leaving him to deal with the guy. Killing him was no longer the most important thing.

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