Chapter 12 (Colby's POV)

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She noticed that it wasn't Mike, and saw me standing beside her. Her gaze met mine, and for once, it wasn't angry, only confused.

 "Where did you come from?" She stuttered out.

 I didn't answer her, still upset with Mike for not paying better attention.

"You should have been watching her. She almost busted her face."

He glanced at me, and something passes over his face. He almost smirked at me. The bastard. He looked at Chloe and smiled at her slowly. It pissed me off.

 "Yeah, sorry about that. Didn't realize you were so clumsy."

Is he flirting with her? Why do I care? Her snarky attitude came back, and she flipped him off.

"Pay more attention next time." I growled at him. I noticed Chloe shiver. Was she cold? She should go inside. "You can go now." I told her.

 Her back stiffened, and I noticed her hands curling into fists.

Did she want to hit me? Wow, I really rubbed this girl the wrong way. The feeling was mutual though.

 I wanted to hate her, for her to give me a reason to stay the hell away from her...but I couldn't.

 "I'm good thanks," She replied in a scathing tone. "What are you doing here? How do you even know where I live?" The way her eyes blazed at me was almost as compelling as the real thing.

Damn it, I was here to see if she was okay, and she was being a bitch to me...but she looked good doing it.

 I licked my lips, imagining what it would be like to taste that scent that keeps invading my senses. I probably shouldn't be standing so close to her.

I bit my lip, almost drawing blood, trying to reel my imagination back in. I noticed her eyes drop to my mouth.

Huh...her face had a dreamy sort of look on it, while she stared at my mouth. I wonder if she wanted to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss her.

 Mike whispered very lowly, knowing that I would be able to hear him. "Be careful. You don't want to mess up."

Damn it, he was right. I couldn't get involved with someone again. Especially this girl. The temptation was too strong.

 "Kat told me. When I saw you leave  with Mike on that death machine, I thought I better check to make sure you both made it alive." Oh, I just gave her the lamest excuse in history.

 Her eyes finally left my mouth and flicked up to meet my gaze. They were soft and curious.

 "Why do you care?" She asked, shrugging. "You've made it pretty clear all night that you don't like me for some reason."

Aw damn. I didn't want her to feel that way. It was just easier if she hated me.

I dragged my hand through my hair trying to think of something to say.

 I saw Mike behind her, still sitting on his bike, cracking a grin. He wanted to laugh at me, and I wanted to punch him in his stupid face.

"Mike is my brother, and I don't dislike you. I don't know you." I replied, hoping that would be sufficient.

 Her eyes grew wide in surprise, making the orange sun more prominent, and she looked at Mike. "You guys are brothers?"

Mike laughed. "No, not blood. More like, best friends, but close enough to be brothers."

 Not if you don't stop laughing at me, asshole.

 "Oh, okay." she replied, turned back to me. Why did I feel like I was a child about to get chastised for doing something wrong? "You could've fooled me. You've been acting like a total dick all night." Her hands were curling into fists again, and her green of her eyes was blazing.

 Her anger for me was coming back. I was trying to be nice! What the fuck did I have to do to get this girl to chill the fuck out? She just kept yelling at me.

 "You treat me like shit, when we first meet, and then follow me home to see if I'm alive. That makes no sense!" Her voice just kept getting louder.

 I raised my eyebrow at her, waiting for her to continue but she didn't. She just stared at me.

 "Are you done?" I asked, keeping my voice steady. Shouldn't have asked that.

 "Not really. I could keep going." She replied, in that smart ass tone.

I couldn't deal with this right now. That little attitude was making me feel some kind of way, and I should leave.

 Yep, I should definitely leave.

 "Yeah, okay. Well, you're both alive. I'm going home. See ya Mike." I didn't wait for a reply, just turned and headed back to my car.

 I could feel the anger pouring off of her, her eyes staring a hole into my back. I was getting in my car, when I heard her yell my name. That was the first time I had heard her say it. It sounded nice coming from her mouth.

Nope, I need to go. I turned back to her, holding my door open.

"Yeah?" I replied impatiently.

She just looked at me for a moment. What was going on in that head of hers?

 "Thanks," she said finally, after what felt like an eternity, her cheeks flaming up in embarrassment.

 I furrowed my brow in confusion.

Thanks? She literally just cussed me out, then it's 'thanks'...I didn't know what to do with that so I just nodded and got in my car.

 This girl was...I don't even know.

 I watched as she turned Mike down on walking her up. Ha! I smiled at that.

 I started my engine, and pulled out into the street heading home. I actually felt pretty good. Better than I had in a long time.

 I turned some music on and sang along with the radio, until I got close to home.

 "Where did you go?" Sam yelled at me, when I passed the kitchen.

 "Just out." I yelled back and went to my room.

 I knew that he would probably find out if Mike ran his mouth before I got a chance to tell him not too.

Oh well, I didn't care. I was just trying to be nice. Aren't they always telling me to stop being such a hard ass?

I fell back on my bed, throwing my arms over my face. 

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