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 I turned my head towards him. He was so close to me that our noses bumped, and I let out a nervous giggle, not sounding like myself at all.

When my eyes met his, it happened again. I might not survive dating him. I got trapped, stuck in the ocean that was his eyes, and wanting to drown in them.

 "Cole?" He asked me, glancing down at my paper.


I swear to God, it was damn near impossible to keep a coherent thought in my head around him. He gave me a smug smile, like he knew the impact he was having on me.

"Your notes. You wrote the name 'Cole' with 'main character' beside it. You writing about me Chloe?"

I blushed. I couldn't help it.

 "Not exactly, but kind of. The characters should be loosely based on you guys."

"Hmm," He replied, taking the paper from me.

 "No, Colby, give it back." I reached for it but he held it up out of my reach playfully.

"Hold on, I wanna see what 'loose' representations you've put down for me."

 I was kind of freaking out. I honestly didn't even remember what I hadn't written.

That's how it always worked for me. I zoned out and just jotted down anything and everything that came to mind.

I fought harder for the paper, getting on my knees on the bean bag, leaning over him. If he had been standing up, I wouldn't have had a chance.

"Give it back!" I insisted, reaching over him, to the hand he had stuck in the air with my paper.

He let out a short chuckle and waved it around.

 I hadn't noticed that the room had gotten quiet. Not yet anyways.

 "Colby, stop playing! I don't want anyone reading that. It's nonsense until I put it together."

 "I'll give it back in a second."

 I knew that I wasn't getting my notes until he had read it, so I huffed out an annoyed breath, and fell back down on the bean bag next to him. "Whatever." I grunted out, trying to remember what I had written for his character.

"Tall, dark, and handsome. Okay, I like that."

I blushed again. Maybe that was the worst of it.

 "A man with secrets to uncover. Hm. Tough, rude, broken. I don't think I'm broken but okay. Horrible incidents in his past, turning him into a cold hard person. Seriously? Still soft underneath. I'm not soft. Ocean eyes. Soft full lips. Aw, I like your lips too. Tattoos, nose ring. Sexy as fuck. Body that makes you crave it. The feeling is mutual princess." I could hear the amusement in his voice growing with each word.

I sank down into the bean bag, covering my face with my hands.

"Please stooop." I mumbled.

That's when I noticed that the room was quiet.

I peeked through my fingers, and saw everyone looking our way, yet again, with amused smiles on their faces. Embarrassment flooded through me, and anger at Colby for being the cause of it.

"Did you really just have to do that?" I snapped, bringing my hands down, and successfully yanking the paper from him hands.

"What did I do?" He asked, acting shocked.

"You know what you did. I told you that it wasn't ready, that no one was supposed to read my notes, and you made sure that you read them where everyone could hear them. That was an asshole move."

He just shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't know that they were listening and I was reading quietly. Besides, who cares if they know what you wrote about me?"

I balled my fists, glaring at him. He was absolutely incorrigible sometimes.

"I care...and it wasn't about you!"

 He grinned at me, a little wickedly. "I don't know. Sexy as fuck. Body that makes you crave it. Nose ring, tattoos. Ocean eyes." He shrugged again, smugly. "I think it sounds a hell of a lot like me."

 I rolled my eyes. "You are the most arrogant son of a bitch that I've ever met!" I was yelling now, in frustration.

In the back of my mind, I knew what he was doing now. He realized that he was getting a rise out of me, and he was enjoying it, so he just kept going.

Colby was enjoying pissing me off, just like always. Well, maybe I could return the gesture.

"Well, it's not about you. It was about Josh."

 His ocean eyes narrowed at me automatically. "Who the fuck is Josh?"

I shrugged and rolled my eyes. "My ex. Looks kind of like you, actually. Guess I have a type."

"Then why is the character's name Cole?"

 I had to think fast. "His full name is Joshua Cole Branson. I mixed you two together. It's working for me."

 He was pissed...and I was enjoying it. To see him bristle at the thought of another guy was hot.

His jaw clenched, nostrils flared, and his eyes...the silver was growing but now it seemed like the pupil was overtaking it all, turning his eyes almost black. Oh what the fuck?

The whites of his eyes got a red tinge to them, and I blinked a few times, thinking that I was seeing things.

"Colby!" Sam's voice rang out, drawing my attention to him.

 He was standing over us, his hand on Colby's shoulder.

 I looked back at Colby. His eyes were their normal blue, with the silver ring, the white of his eyes still white. Guess my eyes were playing tricks on me. Weird.

"Chloe, stop fucking with him." Kat said sternly, but with a worried look in her eyes. "Seriously. You know damn well that Josh didn't look anything like Colby. Why do you both get such a kick out of pissing the other off so much?? You're both fucked in the head." She shook her head and looked at Sam, who was sitting back down now.

 Did he seriously just get up to make Colby calm down? I had seen Colby pissed, really pissed, but something did seem different that time. More intense or something.

He pursed his lips glaring at me, just a little.

"So this Josh looks nothing like me, huh?" 

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