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Hello readers! I'm Lunadreamykingdom! Thanks for clicking on my very first fanfic book, Irreplaceable Love! I know this might seem a bit annoying but I hope you allow me to give you some insight before you start to dig into the rest of this book.


So as you might already know, these are a few Female Byleth x Dimitri one shots and/or short stories piled up together in no particular order. Some of them take place pre time skip and post time skip. I will tell you before the story starts when this particular short story takes place. I'll also tell you if there are spoilers in a specific chapter so you can skip the chapter and move on to the next one since that next chapter most likely won't get a spoiler type of thing. The part will also mention if there is a particular part that references another part so you get the full context. This book is in third person because I do not enjoy overdoing limits if that makes sense.

Major spoilers for the BL route, potential spoilers for the other routes and the DLC (Ashen Wolves)

This is one of my first fanfictions, I know I'm not great but I hopefully will improve. I'm not very confident when it comes to publishing stories to the public because I always think of negative outcomes which is admittedly a bad habit. You can give me criticism and I will appreciate criticism but I beg you to please try not to sound... well you know... too harsh or rude.

As of right now, it's a work in progress fanfic and things are bound to change in previous chapters (especially the post time skip chapters) so do please keep that in mind when reading.

This fanfic was inspired by my favourite fanfic of all time that's called Twenty Five Hours. It's not a fire emblem fanfic if you were wondering, it's a Persona 3 fanfic and it's on but I really, really love it! It was so amazing and beautiful.... God I laughed, I cried... I felt more emotions than I should have. It was so good! If it wasn't for her fantastically written book, this one wouldn't even exist right now. One of the main reasons I did write this is so I could give people the same feelings and inspiration to write like she did for me! ❤

Irreplaceable Love started on September 11th, 2019 and was originally going to contain all moments both before and after Byleth and Dimitri get in a relationship but this fanfic got really long and it wouldn't feel right to do so anymore. Instead on June 18th 2020, I announced that the last chapter would be the coronation day which is a day after Dimitri proposes to byleth and everything else that takes place will be in a sequel fanfic called "Legendary Tales" and unlike Irreplaceable Love, the chapters will be in order. I also apologise to the new readers that read the author notes at the beginning. They haven't aged well but I cannot remove them because it would be too difficult. I'm very sorry.

I also just realised that I never addressed this so I will do it immediately. This book has some headcanons while sticking with the canonical storyline and various other things. For example, the headcanons and interpretations will include stuff like characters mentioning their favourite type of flowers if it was never actually mentioned in the game. They may like irises more than sunflowers for example. Shamir and Alois like cats and that's actually canon due to their tea time conversations. (If you have any questions about what I said here, please let me know!)


So Fire Emblem Three Houses has finally been released after what feels like forever. It was so difficult to not watch previews from game critics and the sort which came out a few weeks and/or days before it launched. It was... painful to say the least but it's out and I've finally played the most out of it. I started with Golden Deer first then blue lions, then Edelgard's Route. I finally finished the church route two months after I first wrote this story.

I won't lie, my favourite house leader is Claude and I am always a golden deer at heart but I cannot deny that Blue Lions felt more touching and emotional. Dimitri was a character that I admittedly didn't find all that appealing pre release but after that emotional route with him, I never thought he'd end up being my second favourite character in the game (Claude being first) and the interactions he had with Byleth were really beautiful in my opinion. I ended up marrying him in the end and I definitely ship him with Byleth more than anyone else.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now