Nowhere Left To Hide Part 5/10: "Two Years..."

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A/N: Okay I may have made a warning already in the previous part but I think I should warn you all here too. This part is a bit gruesome and a lot darker compared to other parts in this series. I apologise in advance.

Also this part is a bit later than I intended but I ended up having a bit of a busy day today. Regardless, here it is!


A Year after "Nowhere Left To Hide Part 4: One Year" and sometime around Garland Moon.


"Hey we need to be careful going into the kingdom territory! I heard there is an unknown vicious killer hunting down Imperial Soldiers"

One Imperial Soldier warned their general who planned on going to the Kingdom Territory for reports along with the rest of the army.

"That's just a rumour, I'm sure it's just made up." The general attempted to reassure the soldier but he didn't successfully do it.

"But how do you explain the dead bodies of our soldiers occasionally found in the Kingdom Territory since early last year? and... not to mention it's been happening even more?"

Another soldier jumped into the conversation

"I heard that this killer isn't even human."

The general was getting agitated "Look. You all are so stupidly gullible. I highly doubt that someone like that even exists and also don't forget they are just rumours!"

The soldiers apologise "Yes sir, sorry sir!"

The general sighed and continued his journey to the kingdom territory along with the army.


The Journey seemed to have gone just fine for the most part.

"Rumours will be rumours, these idiot soldiers can believe anything" The general thought to himself and sighed in relief that they weren't attack.

Sadly for him, he got relieved too early.

A few minutes later, He heard one of the soldiers making a major scream behind him, catching the attentions of all of the other soldiers around him.

The soldier quickly died.

The killer stopped looking at the dead soldiers body and took his lance out of the corpse. He had some blood on his face and blood on his hair from the dead soldier's corpse. He faced the remaining soldiers that were staring at him.

The murderer's long blonde hair covered his face but his eyes were still slightly visible.

It was the most deadly look the soldiers had ever seen, terrifying them.

It was Dimitri.

"You must be..... Everyone! Attack this... this sick beast now!" General and his soldiers were ready to fight.

Well technically they weren't ready because they were terrified of this man standing before them.

They all charged up against the killer but they had no chance.

Dimitri had badly injured all of them making them all drop to the floor, unable to stand.

"No... no this can't be happening, no.. I can't die yet, I won't die... not to such a beast" The general was horrified but had a strong will.

"Why.. do you take such pleasure from killing people like this?! You have nothing to gain!" One soldier screamed out bravely.

Dimitri faced him and walked slowly to him.

The soldier tried to get up but it's legs were too injured to let him stand.

He was stuck, he desperately wanted this beast in front of him to disappear.

However the soldier knew it was over for him.

Dimitri finally stopped right in front of him and leaned down to the soldiers face.

"Thats quite the confidence you've got on your face there, shall I cut it off for you?"

Dimitri stabbed the soldier and then quickly killed him. Scaring all of the soldiers around them.


There was only one last Imperial Soldier that Dimitri had yet to kill.

The Imperial General of that army.

"You.... you.... dishonourable bastard! How could you do such a thing you heartless-"

"Oh please... you're no different to me..." Dimitri looked down upon the soldier and started to look angry.

"What are you talking about? Don't you dare compare me to you! I would've nev-

Dimitri accidentally killed the Imperial General in rage, he couldn't take the general's denial any longer.

"See you in the eternal flames... Maybe I'll meet you and the rest of the emperor's dogs there soon too..." Dimitri put his lance away and left.

He was used to doing this at this point. It had been over a year since he killed those bandits on the day before the Professor's birthday and he started killing Imperial Soldiers along with the bandits and thieves he had been killing before.


A while later, someone had found these soldiers gruesome bodies left on the ground and it had been reported.

This incident has been known as the worst one due to the amount of soldiers lost from an unknown being.

Gilbert, one who had lost all hope started to regain it from hearing these rumours because from the way this murderer was described sounded like Dimitri. Maybe to Gilbert his highness, may still be alive.

He decided to look into these rumours and follow them through more and more.


A/N: Sorry it's so short but I promise that I will update again(:

Honestly though, this one felt weird to write and I do apologise if I poorly wrote this one or made it too extreme. I'm really sorry if that is the case.

Anyways leave some feedback, I love reading it and I'll see you guys soon.

For now though since it is night time when I'm writing this, I'm going to go to sleep.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now