An Unusual Jealous Prince

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter 7 and takes place before chapter 8. The Fifteenth of the Red Wolf Moon. Takes place after "Get Some Rest" part, "A Secret" part & "Heartwarming smilie" part. Takes place after Dorothea and Ferdinand's 'Bee support. Includes DLC characters. References "The Jealous Prince" part.


Two days ago, Dorothea went and asked Byleth if she could join the Blue Lion class.

And since Byleth accepted, Dorothea found herself as a Blue Lion student now. 

Dorothea wasn't the only student who joined that moon. Byleth had invited Yuri & Hapi too. Things were looking quite good for the Blue lion students.

Byleth had also been getting invites to activities from other students that weren't even in her house.

Like on the Fifteenth... Ferdinand and Leonie for some reason asked her to eat lunch with them at the dining hall since they wanted to know why certain people wouldn't stop talking about her.

Byleth accepted since she had no other plans and was unable to ask any of the students if they wanted to eat in the dining hall since they mentioned they were going to spend some of the first few minutes with one another training with one another.

So they sat at an empty table, with one another with their food. 

They chatted with another.

"So Professor, do you know about what Marianne and Raphael have been saying about you?" Leonie started a topic.

Byleth expressed how suddenly curious she was. "I uh... I don't actually? They've been talking about me?"

Leonie slightly chuckled. "They never stop saying nice things about you actually! Well I mean, Marianne is always quiet but she seems to find herself trying to find opportunities to say nice things about you!"

Ferdinand seems to understand what Leonie means. "Yes Professor, I must say, Edelgard, Caspar and Dorothea talk about you all the time. I'll admit, I'm a little jealous though mainly because Dorothea hates me."

Byleth and Leonie were not expecting that last part at all. Byleth did wonder why Edelgard would say anything nice about her because they never even talked to each other that much at all. Though she does also wonder why Dorothea hates him.

But Leonie was quicker to respond to what he said. "What? Why does Dorothea hate you?"

Ferdinand bit his lip. "To be quite frank, I don't really know myself. She won't tell me why she hates me other than the fact she hates me because 'I'm like a bee' which I can't seem to figure what she means by that simile."

"That's odd." Leonie frowned.

Byleth for some reason, decided to imitate a bee. "...Buzz"

Ferdinand looked straight at Byleth. " do you know how or why I'm like a bee? Is that why you said that?"

Byleth shook her head, having a slight unintentional grin on her face. "No I don't know how or why she thinks your like a bee. I just... felt like saying that because... uh bees say that?"

"Don't mock me please." Ferdinand jokingly said.

They continued to chat further and occasionally eat their food. It got to the point to when the Blue Lions were finished with training and went to go eat lunch at the Dining hall. There was a slight frown from Dorothea when she saw Ferdinand eating lunch with Byleth but she shrugged it off quickly before anyone could notice and ate lunch with Ingrid who seemed very excited to eat her lunch.

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