Nowhere Left To Hide Part 3/10: "To War"

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Two weeks after the events of "Nowhere Left To Hide Part 2: The Unmasked Flames Of Two Individuals"


These past two weeks have been horrifying...

Seteth explained what had happened when Edelgard escaped the Holy Tomb.

Some of the worst words she had ever heard.

Edelgard and the Empire declared war on the Church of Serios, The Kingdom Army and the Alliance.

She also had plans on invading the Monastery with her army within the next two weeks.

Byleth had to calmly reassure her students the entire time before the Imperial Army invades the Monastery.

The most shocked students were the ones who used to be in the Black Eagles. Apparently Petra, was asked by Edelgard to join her army but she refused and Brigid will be fighting alongside Byleth's army which relieved Byleth because Petra is not someone she'd ever want as an enemy especially with everything thats happened. 

Dorothea and Caspar despite being in the Black Eagles in the past, don't have interest in joining the Imperial Army either and want to fight alongside Byleth even though Caspar's relatives seemed to have other ideas.

Dimitri however was the one she was the most worried about, he seemed to have stopped acting like himself and all he seemed to be talking about his taking Edelgard's head

But there wasn't exactly anything Byleth could do to stop it sadly.

Not long after Edelgard declared war, Rhea said that if anything happened to her, she'll be entrusting all of her sacred duties to Byleth.

Byleth can't believe that all the above has been two weeks ago and now the Imperial Army were going to invade the monastery at any second.

Byleth had to get all of the students ready for battle because they planned on fighting alongside the professor in protecting the Monastery. 

Dedue noticed Dimitri's mood "Your Highness. You do not seem... well."

Dimitri smiled but not in a reassuring or genuine way. "Hah! Unwell, you say? What's gotten into you? Nothing could be farther from the truth. I'm so happy I can hardly contain myself. My father. My stepmother. My dear friends. They want her head. They want her life. They've whispered as much to me. And the chance to answer their pleas has arrived, at long last!"

"Don't act rashly. We're in this together." Byleth quickly said.

He chuckled a bit. "Haha! Of course, of course. But don't mistake my intentions. Edelgard will die by my hand, and mine alone."

He continued. "Let's move, Professor. Even if it costs me my life, I won't rest until I've crushed that killer's skull in my bare hands!"

And so they did, the Imperial Army was ready to invade and so they all had to protect the monastery.

Byleth had many by her side including all of the remaining staff of the Church such as Manuela, Hanneman etc. She also had some students from the Golden Deer house help her out.

They moved on to the battlefield before anyone had even touched the Monastery. 

One of the knights of Serios had to let them all know something. "I have a report! The enemy is within the walls. They're about to break the defensive line!"

Dedue noticed something and alerted Byleth. "The archbishop and the defensive line both require our assistance. We must protect them until reinforcements get here."

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