Endless Knot

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter fifteen and takes place before chapter sixteen. Takes place after the "Saint Indech Day" part, "Reflection" part, "Forgotten Hero" part, "Blue Blood" part, "Lost And Now Found" part & "Conflict In The Rain" part. Takes place on the 18th of Lone Moon.


There recently have been some random attacks done on some villages around the Gautier region.

The people responsible for these attacks are unidentified but it seems like they perhaps are bandits.

Many of the villagers that live around those villagers have come to the monastery and asked for help since Cornelia refuses to do anything about it.

When given the request in the morning, Byleth, Rodrigue and Gilbert accepted. They went to go and get the army (Dimitri, Felix, Ingrid, Annette, Shamir, Seteth, Caspar & Petra) to travel to the region.

One problem however, the ones that have attacked the gautier villages, seem to have a very bizarre hideout.

A huge cave.....

At least that's what the witnesses have said. They mentioned that they saw the attackers run off back in that place and whenever someone in their village goes in that cave, they're never seen again.

The report sounds random but both Rodrigue and Sylvain confirmed that there were indeed caves like those in the Gautier region and it was oddly common for that.

So they headed to that location during the day, simply because caves are dark at night and these attackers needed to stop the madness.

Dimitri had no hesitation in coming with them and he even looked kind of excited...

Byleth felt uneasy and worried about him coming but she didn't have a choice.

Once they arrived at the Gautier Region and remained unseen to the other kingdom regions, the villagers seemed relieved to see them all.

"We are so relieved to see you all. Thank you so much for helping us." A villager looked really grateful.

Rodrigue dismounted his horse and stood on the ground to talk to the villager. "It's not a problem but may I ask you to please show us where their hideout is?"

The villager's smile fell and looked rather scared at the mention of the hideout. "O-oh of course...I um..."

"Don't worry, we'll protect you if something happens." Rodrigue reassured.

The villager felt a bit relieved. "Ok...thank you. I will guide you there... It's not too far of a walk either so don't worry about that."

After hearing that, most of the people stopped mounting their horses.

Caspar and Felix though did get some help to get off their horses since they had no experience in riding horses in general.

The villager took them to the hideout which was a small while to get to.

Once they were in front of a huge, unusual cave, the villager stopped and stood where he was. "Here it is. This is their hideout."

The villager kept looking around out of panic as if he was searching for something.

He seemed scared about the attackers potentially doing something right here and now.

Rodrigue bowed to show his thanks. "Thank you for guiding us this far. We will take down these attackers immediately."

"Thank you Lord Rodrigue. We owe you for this."

Before Rodrigue could do anything, the villager ran off out of fear of the attackers showing up now.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now