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Takes place after chapter sixteen and takes place before chapter seventeen. Takes place after the "Reasons..." part, "A Promised Trip" part, "Peculiar" part, "A Dagger" part and "Tension" part. Takes place on the 17th of the Great Tree Moon. References "The Argument In The Lions' Den" part.


When Byleth walked in the Cathedral in the morning, she found Gilbert there.

He gave her a mission when he talked to her, which was quite unexpected.

Apparently, some merchants have gotten themselves killed from some thieves not too far from here.

However, there aren't that many thieves and their hideout is at a camp near Garreg Mach even though it's in a grassy area.

He asked her to do a sneak attack on them and then eliminate them with a small army so no more merchants can get killed by them anymore.

Byleth though still had questions to ask. "What do you mean by a small army?"

"About seven of you and you cannot take His Highness. He may..." Gilbert sighed and didn't finish his sentence.

Byleth frowned and kind of understood why Gilbert is forbidding it.

"...I think you understand. Do not tell him about this mission either." Gilbert sighed.

Byleth nodded. She was quite relieved that she didn't have to take Dimitri for this one.

However...if only she knew that there was a certain someone, eavesdropping on her.

Regardless, Byleth ran out of the cathedral to get some of her friends. The ones that agreed to help her out were Felix, Sylvain, Ashe, Mercedes, Petra & Yuri.

And so with that, she and the army made their way to where the enemies may be.

The thieves' hideout wasn't exactly in the most obvious area, however from what Gilbert described, Byleth had a feeling she knew where they may be hiding if they were attacking Merchants that walked from the north east of Garreg mach to the monastery.

She did use her map regardless of already being in the grassy area.

"Did you know what you're doing?" Felix asked coldly.

Byleth nodded. "Yes. I have an idea on where they may be."

Everyone seemed confident in their Professor.

They think this mission will go smoothly.

Petra however, looked a bit off.

She for some reason kept glancing behind her every now and then.

Ashe noticed it and asked her about it. "Uh Petra? Is something wrong?"

"I feel...uncertain about something." Petra frowned.


"Something doesn't feel right."

Ashe still didn't quite get Petra's vague speaking.

She sighed and tried to get back in focus.

"Oh! Professor! I think that might be it!" Sylvain pointed towards a direction.

Byleth's eyes followed where he pointed at. It was a tent, with a few thieves partying and celebrating for some reason.

Byleth nodded. "It might be. We must get closer and then hide!"

Everyone nodded and went a bit closer.

When they were close enough, they hid in the nearby bushes so they couldn't be seen.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now