Nowhere Left To Hide Part 1/10: "The Holy Tomb"

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Pre time skip, Just before chapter 11, When everyone is going down to the holy tomb. 


Byleth and her students were going to go down to the Holy Tomb with Rhea.

After Byleth received power from the goddess, Rhea wanted to take her and her students down to the Holy Tomb of the monastery on the 29th of this moon, so they can receive a divine revelation from the goddess just like Saint Seiros did. 

Rhea will have a ceremony in the Holy Tomb so Byleth can receive the goddesses revelation. She was also supposed to share this mission with her students.

Byleth was confused why the students were coming but Rhea said that when Seiros received the revelation, she had holy warriors by her side, protecting her. 

Byleth's students were well suited to take that role. Along with that, Rhea would also be accompanying them.

Byleth was worried about Rhea joining them in case something bad happened. Rhea appreciated the concern but she reassured Byleth that she can protect herself.

However...Byleth was nervous..

She felt like..Rhea had something planned.

Just what was it?

When it was the 29th of Pegasus Moon, it was time for them all to go to and prepare for the Holy Tomb. 

The students were shocked about going to the Holy Tomb. Receiving a real revelation from the goddess didn't feel real at all. They were in a mix of being excited and nervous. Hilda, Caspar, Dorothea, Raphael, Petra, Yuri, Hapi and Marianne weren't originally in the Blue Lion house so it may feel even more awkward with them. 

On the other hand, Dimitri while still thinking about the Holy Tomb, may be thinking about other things. He seemed to have not been himself lately. Both Byleth and Dedue noticed him acting a bit weird out of everyone. 

He reassures them both saying it was from lack of sleep and headaches but was that really the case?

Regardless, they were all guided by Rhea down to the Holy Tomb.

Dimitri was behind everyone else that were walking down to the Holy Tomb though and he even turned around a few times. He couldn't help but feel as if they were being followed.....

Ashe noticed that Dimitri was turned around for a bit of a while and went up to him.

"Your Highness? Is something the matter?" Ashe asked

Dimitri was snapped out of his thoughts after this question from Ashe. 

"No... Don't worry."

He caught up with the other students and he noticed something about Byleth.

That her arms were shaking...for some reason.

Was she scared?


Everyone was amazed from what they were seeing. To think there was a place like that was hiding down in the Monastery the whole time. 

The only one who wasn't amazed and was more scared if anything was Byleth.

She didn't know why she was so scared...

But something felt so off...

What is Rhea going to do?

Was it really just a "divine revelation" like she said it was?

Or was it something else?

No..It was something else.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now