Byleth's Transformation Part 1/2: "Regret And Fault...."

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A/N: Ok this is part is very different to the others I've done. Instead, this part is short story/event will be put into two parts instead of one and the second part is a continuation of the previous. This will be two parts long and will be based on Chapter 10 of Blue Lion route. That being said... that also means a crap ton of spoilers will be in this part since this is sort of a retell but also kind of not? This foreshadows future events a bit more than other parts I've written... just a warning. However, this WON'T be the only separated parts or continuous parts in this series, It will happen more and more. I can't tell you when or what they are but... they exist and will happen. That is all I'll say for now.

Anywho this part is based in the events during chapter 10, what the rest of the students were doing when Byleth recklessly chased after Kronya and how they ran into Solon. How they were feeling about the potential fact that Byleth could be dead. Dimitri will be the most focused though for obvious reasons. I also changed a bit of what actually happened but not enough to change the outcome of the chapter so don't worry too much about that. Anyways enjoyyyy!


Pre timeskip, During the battle between the students and Kronya's army (Chapter 10 basically). Starts slightly before Kronya shows her true form.


It was finally time to avenge Jeralt.

The enemy revealed themselves in the sealed forest which was near the Monastery. This was all kept secret from Byleth until Dimitri told her and they decided on a strategy.

He wanted to help her get revenge on the bastards that took Jeralt away from her. Just like how he wants to get revenge on the Flame Emperor for the tragedy of Duscur.

Rhea opposed it at first but Dimitri convinced her to let them go after the enemy when he told Rhea the full plan.

When they all got to the forest, Dimitri promised the professor that they will not fail in avenging Jeralt.

But when they finally caught up to the enemy, no one expected the amount of reinforcements there were fighting alongside the enemy including the demonic beasts. Seteth said earlier they may have revealed themselves just to lure them all there. Sadly it turns out that Seteth was right.

Still this didn't stop the Blue Lions from opposing these enemies and Monica herself...

Or at least that is what everyone thought her name was.

Monica reveals her true self... Kronya... and apparently Monica was just a disguise and not at all what she looked like.

"Now... Attack!" Kronya declares for her soldiers to fight against them all.

The mages and demonic beasts charged against the Blue Lion students. The Demonic beasts attacks missed on a lot of them but Annette & Dorothea unfortunately got caught up in the attack and were badly injured because of it.

Not long after that attack, Byleth, Dimitri and Felix finish off those monsters without hesitation.

"Annette! Dorthea! are you guys ok?" Sylvain and Ingrid rushed to the injured monk and dancer.

"I'll heal them!" Mercedes reassures them all.

Byleth glimpsed at them to see if they were dying but they weren't so she didn't bother to check on them after that, she was trying to get to Kronya as quickly as possible.

She wanted revenge...

She wanted to avenge her father...

She wanted to make Kronya pay for what she had done.

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