The Face Beneath (Paralogue)

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter fourteen and takes place before chapter fifteen. Takes place after "Hidden" part, "Withered Flower" part, "A Gift for Her" part & "Humour" part. Takes place on the 17th of Pegasus Moon. References Mercedes' support with Felix. Based on "The Face Beneath" paralogue.


Byleth was standing around in the dining hall for a while.

Training for the day was well over and she ate some food when it was over but even when she was finished, she didn't leave the room.

She had no idea why she stayed there for so long. She just...did.

After some time however, Mercedes went into the room and accidentally bumped into her.

Mercedes was the first to apologise. "Oh my! Sorry, I did- Oh Professor! Hello! I haven't seen you in a few hours!"

Byleth turned around to see Mercedes, cheerful as ever. "Hello Mercedes. Sorry I...I lost track of time and you know....Just thinking thoughts I suppose."

Mercedes looked down. What Byleth was thinking of was painfully obvious to her. "Have your thoughts being getting you down, Professor?"

Byleth frowned. "In a way... I've just been thinking about the battlefield and mission if I'm being honest. . Anyways sorry, I didn't see you there."

Mercedes quickly shook her head. "Oh no, don't worry it's not your fault at all! I wasn't looking where I was going so it's my fault entirely. Anyways, uh...are you...feeling alright?"

Byleth turned her head slightly, she was a bit confused. "Hmm?"

"You seem a bit down. Oh! Why don't we have a little tea party?! That always gets me in a better mood!"

There was someone running towards the dining hall but neither Byleth nor Mercedes noticed.

Byleth looked even more confused at what Mercedes suggested. "A...a tea party?"

"Yes! Me and Annie always have one whenever we are feeling a bit down. Of course though, I do not let her...bake but when we relax and have a tea party with one another, it's quite relaxing!"

"Hmm...That sounds nice... Sure, I'd like that!"

Mercedes looked even more cheerful than before. "Sweet! Well we-"

Caspar ran in the dining out of nowhere and ran straight to Byleth and Mercedes.

They both looked at him. He was very alerted. "Professor! Mercedes! What are you two doing here?"

Mercedes was a bit weirded out when she answered Caspar's question. "Um, we were just talking. Why do you look so flustered?"

"Haven't you heard? An Imperial army was spotted near Garreg Mach!"

Byleth now felt worse when he said that especially since she was literally thinking about the mission.

Mercedes on the other hand, didn't look concerned at all. "Oh. Do you think they came to scout?"

Caspar clearly didn't know the answer to that question. "Maybe? We could probably take care of 'em if that's the case..."

Then Caspar looked more concerned and serious when he spoke again. "But I heard the Death Knight is out there!"

Mercedes now suddenly looked worried.

Well not exactly worried but more sad if anything. She looked down, with a bit of a glum look on her face and then finally spoke. "The Death Knight..."

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now