An Unfaded Light

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter fourteen and takes place before chapter fifteen. Takes place after the "Hidden" part, "Withered Flowers" part, "A Gift for Her" part, "Humour" part, "The Face Beneath" part & "Hopes" part. Takes place after Byleth & Marianne's A Support. References "Silence" part and references Marianne and Dimitri's supports. Takes place at around 3am on the 25th of Pegasus Moon.


Byleth's eyes started to flutter open.

She was lying on the hard ground.

The weather was blazing hot, it felt like Ailell.

Or perhaps...that's where she was right now.

Byleth thought to herself while she started to wake up and stare at the sky. "What...I don't remember what happened...when did I get to Ailell? How did-"


Byleth's eyes started to flutter wide open when her thoughts were cut off by someone's voice.


That same voice again...

The voice sounded as if it was in a mix of absolute rage and also heartbreak.

Byleth slowly turned her head towards the direction where it came from which was from her right.

Then her eyes widened when she looked in the direction.

Her vision of where the voice came from was blocked due to the fact that there was another person laying on the ground with their eyes closed.

Their orange hair and stomach was covered in blood.

They weren't breathing or moving either.

Byleth screamed and backed away.

Then she realised...she wasn't in Ailell at all!

The reason why it was so hot was because...there was fire surrounding the area.

She looked around and... she wanted to puke.

The person that was laying on the ground in front of her before was...Annette.

"Annette!" She yelled.

There was obviously no response.

"Wake up! Please!" Byleth checked for her pulse.

There was nothing at all.

She was definitely dead. There was nothing she could do...

Byleth couldn't believe this.

Byleth could then hear the noises of axes and lances clashing from where Annette's corpse was blocking.

Byleth stood up and... she started to wish that she didn't.

Annette's corpse wasn't the only one that was on the ground there.

Everyone's corpse was...

Everyone she knew... dead.

Most corpses had...some axe wound...

Did Edelgard do this?

Some didn't even have their whole body. Some were even headless.

It was...traumatising.

The ground was covered in blood.

Then Byleth looked at her hands and they were also covered in her friends' blood from her using her hands to get off the ground.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now