Shamir's Birthday

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Please read the author's note at the end.


Post timeskip, takes place after chapter fifteen and takes place before chapter sixteen. Takes place after the "Saint Indech Day" part, "Reflection" part, "Forgotten Hero" part, "Blue Blood" part, "Lost And Now Found" part, "Conflict In The Rain" part & "Endless Knot" part. Takes place on the 27th of Lone Moon (Shamir's Birthday). References "Sword and Shield of Seiros" part.


Today was Shamir's birthday.

Byleth and Alois decided to eat with her in the dining hall for dinner that night.

When it was the late afternoon, they served Shamir's favourite dish, Super-Spicy Fish Dango (due to Rodrigue bringing in more food supplies) which was what Byleth requested specifically for this day.

The three sat at the table and dug in their meals.

Well almost all of them...Alois stared at the meal and looked randomly conflicted.

"Alois? Is something the matter?" Byleth asked out of curiosity.

"Huh? Why of course not..I um...will start eating it."

Alois took a bite and had a sour look on his face while eating.

This didn't go unnoticed by either Byleth nor Shamir.

Alois looked around and chuckled nervously. "Don't worry I'm fine."

"You hate spicy food, why did you get it Alois?" Shamir sighed.

"You do?" Byleth didn't know that.

"Well I...wanted to celebrate my friend's birthday! Even if I don't like the food, I will eat it."

"Don't. You can't handle spicy food." Shamir sighed.

"A little spice wouldn't hurt too much..." Alois chuckled.

"Anyways, I know you don't care much for conversation Shamir but could I give you a birthday gift?" Alois looked genuinely happy this time.

Shamir, while didn't show it, wasn't expecting that. "Oh. You got me a gift?"

Alois gave Shamir a dagger. "Of course I did."

Byleth thought to herself when she saw Alois giving Shamir a dagger.

It kind of reminded her of the story Dimitri talked about ages ago.

"Huh. Thanks Alois. I appreciate it." Shamir slightly smiled at Alois, as she stared at the dagger she was now holding.

Byleth finally stopped thinking and got out her present. "I got something for you too Shamir."

She gave Shamir a bouquet of sunflowers. She remembers Shamir talking about how much she liked sunflowers which wasn't something to expect from someone like her.

"Wow you got my favourite type of flowers. Thanks!" Shamir slightly smiled at Byleth.

Alois smiled too. "I didn't know sunflowers were your favourite too, Shamir. I love them myself, they're always such a happy looking flower."

"Yeah. There is something...special about them." Shamir agrees and proceeds to go back to eating.

Byleth thinks to herself again. She couldn't get her mind off that dagger story anymore for some reason.

It was really weird...

And she also remembered seeing Dimitri carry a blue dagger with him all the time now...

"Professor? Is there something on your mind?" Shamir asked.

Byleth snapped back into reality and awkwardly shook her head. "No, don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? Don't hesitate to tell us!" Alois joined in.

"Yeah don't worry it's nothing... Though if there was a major problem, I would tell you both if that's okay with you of course." Byleth awkwardly chuckled.

Shamir nodded. "I don't mind."

"Of course." Alois looked happy.

Byleth smiled to herself.

She had no idea why she felt so comfortable when she was around these two.

It just felt so...right for some reason.....

It seems to always happen when she is with these two.

Regardless if it's on the battlefield or just hanging out, it always felt...right for some reason...


A/N: Sorry this part is really short and not too much about Dimitri. Hopefully I'll get better at writing Byleth, Shamir & Alois parts soon :|

Anyways, I have something to say.

So I'm almost done with Lone Moon now and will get to Great Tree Moon soon. However, the next two parts are parts that I've been planning for so long and I am absolutely excited to do them despite how difficult (and potentially heartbreaking) they'll be to do.

However.....These next two parts are also ones that I CANNOT mess up. I know that goes for any part in this book but man, I cannot stress enough on how bad it would be if I completely ruin them.

I would focus on doing them right now but I can't because I have an exam on Friday and I won't be able to focus on publishing these parts if I have an exam to also focus on. So I won't be publishing any new parts tomorrow or Friday. I may not even be able to do Saturday either. I hope you all understand. I'm sorry to force you all to wait...

So yeah...That's what I wanted to say. Thank you for reading this part though guys, I'll see you in the next part which I am not sure when that will be but you're going to have to see. (:

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now