Weathervanes of Fodlan (Paralogue)

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter thirteen and takes place before chapter fourteen. Takes place after the "Silence" part, "Refusal" part, "Returned" part, "Voice" part & "Pirates of the North" part. Takes place on the 22nd of Guardian Moon. Based on Annette and Gilbert's paralogue "Weathervanes of Fodlan". Takes place after Annette & Felix's A support. Takes place after Byleth and Sylvain's B Support and blatantly references it.


Byleth found herself wandering around in the entrance hall until Gilbert suddenly arrived in the room.

He went up to her and asked her something. "Professor, do you have a moment?"

Byleth nodded. "Of course."

"I would hear your opinion on our situation."

Byleth remained focused while Gilbert elaborated what he meant. "Given our current fighting power, what sort of challenge do you expect we pose to the Empire? Do we have any hope of victory?"

That wasn't really a question she was sure if she wanted to answer or not.

She wants to say yes but... from the way things are going as of right now, there was absolutely no way they can win right now...

Byleth sighed and frowned. There was no way she could lie to Gilbert about it. "The probability of victory is low."

Gilbert didn't seem surprised at all by that answer. "So, we agree. However, in order to strengthen our forces, we-"

Gilbert was cut off from a random and sudden sound of someone crashing into a barrel.

"Aaaargh! Ugh, why would anyone put a barrel here?!"

Sounded like Annette and most likely was considering she does this a lot.

She walked up to Byleth and Gilbert and joined in their conversation. "Ow, that really smarts... Oh. Hello, Father."


Gilbert gave Annette a look but she ignored it. Byleth was visibly surprised.

She had no idea that Gilbert was Annette's father.

Annette attended the officers academy to see her father again.

That father was Gilbert!

It made sense but it was still surprising to find out.

Byleth looked at Gilbert which basically asked if that was true. He ignored the look so she spoke out loud to ask her question. "Father?"

Gilbert looked down and stayed silent for a short while until he suddenly spoke again. "Another stupendous fall."

Annette got angry at her father. "As though you care about my well-being."

Annette looked at Byleth and gave her a bright smile as if nothing happened just then. "Anyway... Professor, I'm heading out for a bit."

Byleth felt a bit uneasy about those words. "Where are you going?"

Annette answered. "I was thinking of going to visit my uncle."

Gilbert's eyes widened. "To see my brother? Why is that, Annette?"

"I wanna ask him to entrust me with the Hero's Relic of House Dominic. The fight from here on out is gonna be tough. I need to do whatever I can to get stronger. The best thing we can do, as far as I can tell, is to have another Hero's Relic at our disposal."

Gilbert clearly wasn't fond of the idea of Annette going to see her uncle for that reason. "You are not wrong, yet it will not be easy."

"Why's that?" Byleth asked.

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