Complications and Confusion

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter three and takes place before chapter four. Takes place much before the C Support between Byleth and Dimitri.


Both Byleth and Dimitri didn't really know what to think about each other.

It was very... complicated.

Dimitri felt unnerved whenever she was around.

Byleth barely showed any expressions or even any emotions most of the time. It was like...she didn't care about anything or anyone but it was difficult to tell at all.

He didn't judge her, hate her or anything of the sort for having little emotion. It was just... he could never tell what she was thinking. He couldn't tell if he was frustrated or fascinated about the fact he couldn't tell.

"Does she even care about the students? About anyone she's killed? About..anyone at all? Does she only care about killing people?"

Dimitri could never trust someone who loves killing and not care about anyone.

It reminds him... so much of someone else he knows more than anyone else.

But at the same time, he doesn't think that's the type of person she is.

He doesn't know why but he knows that she isn't like that. He believes in her but...he just couldn't figure out why.

He knows that she has humanity in her. While she showed no emotion most of the time, he has seen the glow of humanity in her eyes and actions a few times. He does wish that they can try to understand one another someday.

Byleth on the other hand, wasn't much different to when it came to Dimitri.

Unlike her though, he did show emotion and expressions.

However, she couldn't even tell if they were even genuine...

When she first met Dimitri, she felt weird. It was an odd feeling and she never felt something like that with anyone before. She couldn't tell whether she could trust him or not.

He was polite. Very polite. More polite than both Claude and Edelgard were at that moment and yet... She still felt like there was something hidden beneath that.

Some darkness of the sort...

And yet, she also believes that the kind person he is right now is also his true self.

He just...has two sides of him or something of the sort.

Still, she for some reason does hope that she could potentially know more about him someday...


A/N: Please keep in mind that this part took place way before every other part in this book so far (except for "That Fateful Meeting" part for obvious reasons).

This is probably the shortest part I've ever written but this was meant to show basically what the first few months were like. I won't write much parts that take place in the first few months because I don't really see why I should but if you guys would like me to, I'll try to write more than initially intended. 

Anyways finally I will be focusing on the post time skip parts again and keep in mind, I will be updating A LOT now. Originally, I was going to take a break and that's what I originally wrote in the A/N when I first published this part but instead, I think I will take a break for a month after a particular arc.

Anyways I love you all and I hope you enjoyed this part even though it was kind of short and lame bahaha.  

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now