An Interest

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter 8 and takes place before chapter nine. The first week in the month, on the Seventh day of the Ethereal Moon. Takes place before "Washing Dishes" part. References "Joke telling" part. 


After dance practice, Dorothea asked Byleth and Petra to have lunch with her.

In the previous moon, Dorothea asked Byleth to join the Blue Lions which Byleth accepted.

However little did Dorothea know that she would later be chosen to represent the Blue Lion house for the upcoming dance competition that would happen not long after. She was very honoured and happy to have been chosen. 

She and Byleth did some practice for the dance competition with a sweet Petra giving Dorothea encouragement and cheering her on. Dorothea had been working very hard during dance practice. 

After dance practice, Dorothea asked if Byleth and Petra wanted to have lunch with her in the dining hall. They both seemed happy to join her and so they accepted.

So they all headed off to the dining hall to have lunch with one another and sat down at the table with their food. They ate their food. 

Dorothea on the other hand seemed like she wanted to start a conversation especially judging from the fact that she had a large grin on her face.

"So Petra, Professor, got any plans for the ball later on this month?" She said in her teasing tone.

Petra seemed confused. "I am not understanding Dorothea."

"I mean do you plan on meeting anyone at the goddess tower or... maybe even be interested in someone?" She clarified and winked at Petra.

Petra looked down in embarrassment. "Oh uh... I think I have understanding now on what you mean by the second part. However what do you mean by the goddess tower?"

Dorothea seemed surprised. "Oh Petra do you not know? The goddess tower has a legend behind it. It's believed that the goddess is watching that very place at that particular night. If you share a wish with each other, the goddess will make it come true! It also makes men and women whom are close to one another, go to the goddess tower on the same night! Did you have anyone in mind to do that with Petra?"

This made Petra think quite a bit "Uh... No I don't think of anybody in particular..."

Dorothea even suggested a few people "What about Lin? or Ashe? Or Yuri?"

"I haven't given thought myself to be honest. How about you Dorothea? Do you have anyone in mind? Ferdinand perhaps?" Petra asked naively

Dorothea shivered at the thought and her grin slightly fell but then started to awkwardly chuckle. "Ferdinand? That's a funny joke you said right there Petra."

This confused Petra but then she realised the professor hadn't said anything yet. "Professor does anyone interest you at all?"

"Oh yeah! Professor! This would be an interesting thing to hear!" This brightened up Dorothea since she was genuinely curious to know if a serious person like the professor had any feelings for anyone at all.

"Interest me?" Byleth asks

"Yes, or even maybe even a... crush!" Dorothea teased.

Byleth thought to herself if she had any crush at all but couldn't really think of anyone in particular...

She was about to deny the question until a blonde haired prince meets the corner of her eye from a while away. He was just outside of the dining hall and was laughing with Alois despite the amount of weirded out expressions from everyone else around them. Alois must of told him another bad joke like that other time.

She smiled when she saw him and didn't exactly realise she was staring at him.

Dorothea and Petra noticed that her eye contact seem to be elsewhere

Petra was confused. "Professor? Is something the matter?"

Dorothea was confused herself but then realised that Byleth seemed to be staring at someone else. She saw whom Byleth was staring at and started to smirk.

"Oh... I see now, I guess I understand somewhat then." Dorothea said with a wink.

Byleth turned away and faced Dorothea. Petra was also confused herself.

"Dorothea?" Petra asked

"Were you staring at someone just then Professor?" Dorothea kept teasing. Similarly to how certain other student enjoys teasing Dimitri. 

Byleth was confused "Pardon?"

Dorothea whispered something in Petra's ear which confused Byleth even more. Petra look a bit flustered but she seemed to have finally understood what Dorothea was trying to say.

"So you think the professor has some interest in His High-"

Dorothea cut Petra off "Yes definitely."

"Do you have certainty in this claim?" Petra asked

"Yes. Think about it Petra, He is the house leader and they seem to get along very well!" Dorothea winked

Byleth was getting slightly irritated since she wasn't exactly on the same page on what they were talking about. "What are you both-"

Byleth got cut off by Petra. "I must say, you have very good points yourself Dorothea. Would he perhaps feel the same-"

Dorothea cut Petra off again "Well I don't see why he wouldn't."

Byleth tried to get ahold of this conversation "What are you both talking about exactly?"

Dorothea tried to reply "Oh, don't worry Professor just student-"

Petra unintentionally cut off Dorothea "Dorothea and I think you might have a... somewhat crush on Dimitri."

This caught Byleth off guard and confused her "Crush on Dimitri?"

Dorothea sighed but didn't see the point in denying anything "Yes we think you do. You smiled at him when we asked if you had a crush on anyone." 

"Did I?" Byleth asked. 

"Professor? You did- No uh... did you not notice?" Petra was surprised

"Well-" Byleth was cut off.

"Anyways Professor, I won't force you to talk about it but I'm just letting you know if you need any advice, I'm perfectly happy to help you!" Dorothea winked at Byleth

"Advice on wh-" 

Byleth got cut off again "You'll know when you get there, I promise." Dorothea winked at Byleth.

"But Dorothea, I don't have a cru-" Byleth attempted to deny but just continued to get cut off

"Yeah, yeah if you say so Professor..." Dorothea said in a sarcastic tone.


A/N: Hi guys here is the last part for this month! And Yay two of my favourite characters appeared here! I do apologise though that Dimitri wasn't really in this one but I can promise you him appearing only briefly is rare in these series of oneshots so don't worry too much. I'll admit I was slightly biased with choosing Dorothea and Petra for this part (they are some of my favourite characters in this game) but I thought they would really fit! Anyways Dorothea will show up more in future parts and to clear up something, Byleth is very unaware of what romantic interest is or even feels like which is why she is very dense in this part aha. 

Also I'd really appreciate feedback and requests, It would be really useful. Although I have many ideas for the future, I do admittedly have a bit of writer's block from time to time so requesting and/or suggesting themes for future parts would be awesome :D Also let me know if you want to see Dorothea being a tease more often ;)

Anyways Thanks for reading guys and Happy Halloween :) 

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now