War for the Weak (Paralogue)

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A/N: Yeah... um I guess you guys weren't expecting another part this week? Ah well neither was I to be honest but then a sudden change of plans happened and got some extra time. For once though, I really hate that I've got extra time because I didn't want my plans to change like this (I 100% understand why it had to get changed like this and I agree it is for the better but I'm still down about it nonetheless) and put me in this stupid personal situation at the moment so I'm feeling really down. I wanted to write something because I feel like I haven't done enough parts or gotten far in this book to keep someone engaged throughout. 

Anyways enough about me, this part is a retell of the Paralogue that takes place in pre time skip. The paralogue is Dedue's and it's called "War for the Weak." This paralogue has a whole part based on it because it is important to later events that take place. Other paralogues will also have parts based on them. I apologise though, this one is more battle focused but that's got a lot do with the paralogue being that type of paralogue and the fact that this part is taking place the same month as Flayn's disappearance in Horsebow moon. I apologise for this being another poorly done retell but I may edit it in the future when I get better at writing these types of parts. Anyways thanks for sticking by, let's get to it!


Pre time skip, takes place after chapter 5 and takes place before chapter 6. During the month of Flayn's disappearance. Part is about the paralogue known as "War for the Weak" which is Dedue's paralogue.


Flayn has been missing for quite some time now.

Yet her disappearance wasn't the only issue as of right now.

Byleth walked in the entrance hall, only to see a concerned looking Dedue by himself, lost in thought.

Byleth couldn't help but walk up to him.

"What's on your mind?" She asked, emotionless as ever.

Dedue didn't realise she was in the room until she said that so he seemed a bit surprised when he turned his head over towards Byleth's direction. "Oh- it's you, Professor."

Dedue continued. "Since you are here, I have a favour to ask."

Before Byleth could ask what it was, Dimitri walked in the entrance hall and towards both Byleth and Dedue.

They both faced him and Dedue greeted him. "Your Highness. You've returned."

Dimitri apologised to Dedue. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Dedue."

Byleth was a bit confused but she didn't show it. Dimitri then faced her. "I'm glad you're here as well, Professor. I want you both to hear this."

Byleth was certainly curious on where this conversation seems to be going. Dimitri continued "Dedue is already aware, but you should know there's been an uprising in the Duscur region, in the western part of the Kingdom."

"An uprising in Duscur? Why?" Byleth asked very naively.

Both Dimitri and Dedue exchanged looks when she asked this. She realised that she may have unintentionally hit too close to home right then

Dimitri seemed a bit hesitant but he finally said something. "Dedue... Would you like me to explain?"

Dedue rejected the idea. "No. It should be me."

Dedue then faced Byleth. "I am from Duscur. It lies just beyond the mountains on the northwestern border of Faerghus. The land was burned to ashes by the army of Faerghus. All of the people were slaughtered."

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