The Dagger

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter sixteen and takes place before chapter seventeen. Takes place after the "Reasons..." part, "A Promised Trip" part & "Peculiar" part. Takes place on the 11th of Great Tree Moon. Recommended for you to read "The Argument In The Lions' Den" part first. Also references the "Chaos and Trust" part and the "One's True Feelings" arc.


It was raining again today.

So most of the training, instructing etc was done inside today instead of outside because people don't want to risk getting colds.

When it was the late afternoon and everyone was done for the day but they didn't exactly go outside.

They just stayed indoors most of the time.

Byleth was relaxing in the dining hall along with Felix, Sylvain & Ingrid.

They were all sitting at the table and were done eating their food.

Ingrid and Byleth sat next to each other at the table while Sylvain and Felix sat on the opposite end of the table.

Despite being finished, they were still engaged in conversation with one another.

Sylvain started the conversation. "Hey Ingrid, Felix, Professor, got any plans for the future?"

"Huh?" Felix didn't understand what he meant.

"Well... I mean, what do you guys plan on doing after... you know when the war is finished?"

"...Where did that come from?" Ingrid seemed puzzled.

"Well you know, I don't know..I got curious." Sylvain nervously chuckled.

Ingrid rolled her eyes but she answered regardless. "Hmm... Well to answer your question, I've admittedly haven't given it enough thought yet..Though I'd love to be a knight but I'm not sure if it's possible at this point in time."

"Heh. Typical." Felix scoffed.

Ingrid gave him the stink eye but Felix just ignored it.

So she confronted him about it. "Oh so I guess you've got better plans after the war?"

Felix rolled his eyes. "I don't have much plans either but it's certainly better than being a knight."


"Ok... moving on." Sylvain cut off this argument.

"Hmph. Well, what do you plan on doing after the war Sylvain? Anything spectacular?" Felix said sarcastically.

Sylvain chuckled a bit. "Well I wouldn't call it spectacular haha..."

Sylvain then looked a bit serious. "Though..I do plan on going back to Gautier...There's something I must do there. Something....important. Something that should've been done by anyone a long time ago."

No one at the table expected this response.

Byleth finally spoke. "Then..what is it you plan on doing?"

Sylvain smiled at her. "That's a secret. You'll see though, soon enough."

Byleth looked even more confused now.

"Oh yeah, Professor, have you made any plans after the war?" Sylvain then moved the focus on her.

For some reason, both Felix and Ingrid were intrigued to find out what her answer was.

Byleth bit her lip. She admittedly hadn't given it too much thought yet

"I..don't really know. Maybe...I'll go back to being a mercenary." Byleth sighed.

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