Future Imperial Knights

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A/N: Sorry I wrote a part that's short...again. Anyways, this will be the last part including these children (well... for pre timeskip at least...) from the support Byleth and Dimitri have and man... I feel like I made it a very OC part and lol sorry about that but don't expect parts like those for a good while. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this part!


Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter eleven and takes before chapter twelve. Takes place after "The Professor's Birthday". Takes place on the sixteenth of the Pegasus Moon. References "Swordsmanship Learning" part and "An Admired Sword Fighter" part.


After class that day, Byleth found herself randomly wandering around the monastery, not far from the training grounds.

She didn't really know what to do at the moment until she suddenly heard a childish but familiar sounding voice.


Byleth turned around and saw five children that looked as if they were walking to the training grounds.

She recognised them. It was the five children that she and Dimitri trained swordsmanship to a while back.

The five children ran up to her and all had some look on their faces

All five of them looked shocked and confused. Byleth didn't understand why they seemed so shocked but she realised that it was the first time that they have seen her new hair colour so it was only natural they'd be confused.

"Teacher, what happened to your hair?" Elise looked sad and shocked. She truly didn't intend to sound rude when she asked that.

"Ah that...." Byleth was not sure how she was going to explain this.

"Can you change it back? I hate the colour green!" Hugo stuck his tongue out.

Elise frowned at him. "Don't be mean Hugo!"

Byleth chuckled at that remark. She took no offense to it. Not to mention, he wasn't the only one who preferred her old hair. "I wish I could change it back haha. Er... So where are you five off to right now?"

Both Alea and Cain looked a bit disgusted that she had the same hair colour as a certain someone else. Alea shrugged it off though and crossed her arms. "Well, we are going to see that if the Prince can train with us again since we are no longer going to stay in the monastery after early tomorrow morning so...."

"Oh are you all leaving?"

No one realised that Dimitri was leaving the training grounds and can sort of hear what they are saying now.

"Yup. We've been told to stay in the Imperial Territories for our own safety from tomorrow onwards. Every other child staying here has been told the same thing. We might not see you or the Prince again." Cain bit his lip.

"Wait what? I won't get to see... See teacher again?!" Elise apparently didn't know that she wasn't going to see either Byleth or Dimitri again.

"Look what you did now Cain! I told you not to mention that in front of my younger sister!" Alea looked cross

Elise quickly hugged Byleth, surprising everyone there. Dimitri saw it too.

"W-woah Elise?!" Byleth wasn't expecting that.

"Elise is normally so shy... But she only acts like this around you. I don't think I've ever seen her admire someone in my life... Well other than Mo-.... Anyways Elise let go of her!" Alea pulls Elise off Byleth.

Elise started to cry. "B-but why?"

Dimitri came over and Hugo certainly noticed. "Hi Prince!"

Everyone's attention went on him.

This didn't really stop Elise from sobbing though. "I don't want to leave anymore! I...I don't want go to the stupid empire!"

Cain sighed. "Err... Sorry Prince about this stuff. Elise is throwing a tantrum because she doesn't want to move to the empire because she admires Teacher or whatever."

Dimitri looked a bit pale, he couldn't find the words to say.

Byleth reassured Elise. "Don't worry, I'm sure we will see each other again!"

"Wait really?" Bryce finally stopped being silent and looked a bit hopeful.

Byleth nodded to both of them which cheered Elise up.

They all believed her though Cain and Alea seemed to have... other ideas.

"So... you're all going tomorrow morning?" Dimitri really didn't know what to say.

Alea nodded. "Yes. We will all be together even if the five of us are not all related."

"Yes that's right... Alea, Bryce and Elise... You three are..." Dimitri spoke

"Siblings, yup. Cain and Hugo are not my brothers though, though I wish they were!"

"Alea stop talking about me and Hugo as if we aren't here! But if you want me to be specific, me and Hugo are siblings. Our parents were friends with their parents so that's how we became friends!" Cain looked proud.

"Well, I'm going to miss you five, I hope you have an amazing time in the Empire... Do you know which territory?" Dimitri asked.

"We haven't been told yet." Bryce looked a bit grumpy.

"I like your necklace." Elise changed the topic quickly.

"Oh thanks! I love it too." Byleth smiled.

Dimitri looked away, a bit embarrassed.

"Where did you buy it?" Elise asked.

"Well... Dimitri made it for me actually." Byleth pointed at Dimitri.

"Wow really?" Elise seemed impressed.

Dimitri was embarrassed but secretly pleased. "Er... yes bu-"

"Ah I finally found you little rascals! What are you all doing here?" Alois showed up without anyone noticing. It seemed like he was looking for the kids.

Cain groaned. "So much for the training..."

"It's time for you five to come with me! We must help you prepare for tomorrow morning's trip!"

Elise looked like she was going to cry again but Byleth reassured her. "I promise we will see each other again."

Elise nodded, stood up and ran to Alois. She waved at Byleth, slightly sad.

"Thank you both for everything!" Cain thanked them both on everyone's behalf.

With that, they finally walked back with Alois.

"Say, if any of you like to see either of them again, let's all train and try to be knights for the empire!" Alea said in a bit of a deceiving tone.

"Oh! Oh! Yes! I'll get to see Teacher again?" Elise looked happy.

"I guarantee we will see her again somehow when we become knights... and maybe even avenge certain people..."

Cain smirked after those last three words mentioned, confusing everyone else. Thankfully for them, Alois didn't hear that... plan of theirs...

But Regardless... They want to see those two again so they'll try to be Imperial Knights somehow.


Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now