Blue Blood

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter fifteen and takes place before chapter sixteen. Takes place after the "Saint Indech Day" part, "Reflection" part & "Forgotten Hero" part. Takes place on the 8th of Lone Moon. References "Forgotten Hero" part and takes place the day after.


Dimitri got an injury on his shoulder from fighting the Wandering Beast yesterday.

However he didn't bother healing it nor did he bother going to the infirmary for Manuela's help.

He just let it stay there.

"Deserved..." Dimitri thought to himself.

Thankfully for him, no one did notice that he got an injury on his shoulder.

At least he thought that was the case.

But even still, he went to the Cathedral in the morning and stood in front of the broken pieces like he always did.

He let the chants and inner demonic voices of the dead take over his ears again...

" K I L L "

" M O N S T E R "

Dimitri's shoulder wound was really distracting him.

It still hurts quite a bit but he has to let himself tolerate it.

It's a consequence of all the blood he spilled after all...

He instinctively put his hand on his shoulder since it was so distracting.

He then let the voices chant in his ears again.

" D E S T R O Y "

" A V E N G E "

He felt like everything around him was nothing but darkness now and could no longer sense anyone's presence...

He hates feeling like this but he knows that...he must let it happen.

" S U F F E R "


He snapped out of it when he heard that voice again...

He turned towards the owner of the voice and he once again guessed right. Byleth again.

"What do you want?" Dimitri looked at her dryly.

Before Byleth answered, Dimitri realised something. "Aren't you supposed to be training or instructing today with everyone or something?"

Byleth shook her head. "No. It's a free day, today."

Dimitri looked away. "I see...Well why are you here anyways?"

"I came to check on you. You seemed kind of off from our last battle..."

Dimitri frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well....I was hoping that nothing had happened to you."

"Why would you hope that?" Dimitri mumbled and turned towards Byleth again.

"Isn't it obvious? I hope that because I care about you Dimitri! I told you this already multiple times!" Byleth started to lose her composure.

"Well I'm fine so you don't need to be here! And stop caring about me. It's a waste of time to care for a beast such as myself."

Byleth frowned. "You're not a beast Dim-"

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now