Tea Party

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter sixteen and takes place before chapter seventeen. Takes place on the 19th of Great Tree Moon. Takes place after the "Reasons..." part, "A Promised Trip" part, "Peculiar" part, "The Dagger" part, "Tension" part & "Raid" part. Recommended for you to read "The Face Beneath" paralogue part before this one. Takes place a bit before Annette's A Support with Byleth.


Byleth didn't really know how to spend her free day.

She just wandered around the monastery, sighing to herself about the battle ahead and was lost in thought.

That was until she accidentally bumped into Annette.

"Bah! Ow..." Annette fell and put her hand over her forehead.

Byleth looked at Annette and apologised. "Sorry Annette, I didn't see where I was going.. Are you ok?"

Mercedes was also with Annette but was unable to lend a hand because she was holding some teacups and a teapot that appeared to have tea in it.

"Erg..Yeah I think so.." Annette sighed, not knowing who it was that had just bumped into her.

Byleth offered her hand but Annette refused. She just stood up on her own, then realised who it was.

"Oh! Professor! Hello!" Annette's frown suddenly turned into a grin.

"Hello Annette and Mercedes. What are you up to today?" Byleth asked.

Mercedes looked excited. "Me and Annie are going to have a tea party! It's the perfect way to feel relaxed."

Byleth didn't seem all that surprised. "Nice. That sounds lovely."

"Professor, could you join us for the tea party?" Mercedes asked.

Annette then looked at Byleth with anticipation. "Oh yeah! That would be so much fun! Having a tea party with my two best friends...relaxing...ohhh I can't wait! Imagine how amazing that could be!"

Annette started to daydream, she didn't even realise she let something slip.

Byleth slightly blushed a bit and looked away. She was smiling but she didn't want them to see. "You consider me...as your best friend, Annette?"

Annette snapped out of the daydream and realised what she said. "Is..is that bad? Oh no... you hate it, don't you? Ahhh! I'm so sorry, I did-"

Byleth cut Annette off. "No Annette...You got the wrong idea..I..."

Annette and Mercedes then noticed Byleth's adorably happy expression from being called a best friend.

"Aw..Professor, did you not know that we consider you our best friend?" Mercedes teased her.

"Well..no I didn't." Byleth admitted.

"Do you mind if we do?"

"Not at all...In fact, it's something... Well I also consider you both to be uh...my best friends." Byleth felt a bit embarrassed saying that, and yet she had no idea why.

Annette quickly hugged Byleth which caught Byleth off guard and made Mercedes chuckle.

"Awwww Professor..." Annette had a big cheesy grin when she hugged Byleth.

It..felt a bit awkward and cheesy but Byleth didn't mind it. After all, it had been a long time since any of three had been this happy...

She was very pleased that they considered her their best friend rather than just their professor. She had no idea why but it made her feel really happy.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now