Bernadetta's Birthday Presents & Smiles

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Pre time skip, takes place after chapter eight and takes place before chapter nine. Takes place on the twelfth of the Ethereal Moon which is also Bernadetta's birthday. Takes place before "Wonders of the future" & "Heartbreaking tears" parts and takes place after "An Interest", "A Dance Representative" & "Washing Dishes" parts. Takes place after the B support with Bernadetta.


Byleth & Bernadetta surprisingly got along very well.

Bernadetta normally just runs away in the sight of anyone but she felt comfortable with some people at the monastery including Byleth.

Even though Bernadetta had no interest in joining the Blue Lion class since she is terrified of certain people in that class (Yuri, Felix, Ingrid and Petra mainly) but she certainly enjoys spending time with Byleth.

Meanwhile though, The 12th of Ethereal moon has arrived and Byleth knew what she wanted to do that day.

Finally when the class was over for the day, Byleth looked like she was looking for something under her desk but then Annette & Mercedes appeared in front of her. Most of the students were still in the classroom.

"Hi Professor! Would you like to hang out with us for a little while." Annette asked with a smile on her face.

Byleth stood back up, holding a teddy bear for some reason, surprisingly both Annette and Mercedes. She shook her head. "Normally I would but unfortunately I can't. I already made plans for today."

They both looked disappointed. 

"Oh ok, maybe next time then!" Annette started walking away.

Mercedes stayed however and continued to talk to Byleth. "Is that your teddy bear Professor?"

This caught some of the students' attention because that was not a question they thought they would be hearing today.

Byleth looked down on the bear and then looked back up at Mercedes. Byleth shook her head. "Not exactly. It's a present for someone!"

Mercedes gave her a teasing smirk. She looked at Dimitri for just a second and then straight back at Byleth. "Oh? Who is it for? Are you giving it to your crush?"

Dimitri stopped walking away the moment that question was asked and Mercedes had a feeling he did. Dorothea also not only stopped walking away but she even started to walk towards Byleth & Mercedes. 

Byleth was confused. "Um...No? It's for a friend"

Dorothea joined in and put her arm over Byleth like they were childhood friends. "No need to be shy Professor, we won't tell anyone it's for your crush."

They both had a silly smile on their faces and Dorothea even winked just to annoy Byleth a little bit.

Dimitri snapped out of it and continued walking away. He could slightly still hear them but that wasn't the intention. He didn't realise he was standing still like he was for so long and he's mad at himself for doing so. 

"...What is the matter with me?" He mumbled to himself and sighed. He couldn't let himself get distracted. He needed to go the marketplace at the moment so he headed off to there.

Byleth sighed and answered Dorothea's teasing. "Please stop acting ridiculous. I am just giving Bernadetta a present because it's her birthday. Anyways, I should probably visit her now"

"Don't worry Professor, we were just teasing." Mercedes giggled.

"But it certainly won't be the last time we do so!" Dorothea grinned.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now