Dear Diary

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Pre timeskip, takes place before chapter 3 and takes place after chapter 2. Takes place on the twenty second of Garland Moon/Edelgard's Birthday.


Byleth was wandering around in the monastery, looking for a certain someone.

She was holding a present too so she could give it to them.

But she eventually spotted Edelgard and walked up to her.

"Hello Edelgard."

Edelgard seemed a bit startled but she turned around and stared at Byleth.

"Hm? Professor?"

Without warning, Byleth put her present right in front of Edelgard's face as if it was the most normal thing to do. "Happy Birthday Edelgard."

"Professor? You knew about my birthday?" Edelgard wasn't entirely sure what to think about that.

"Yes. I got you a present." Byleth

Edelgard eyed Byleth's wrapped up present. It looked like it was shaped like some book.

Edelgard frowned and stared at the present.

She wasn't sure how to feel about Byleth's odd forwardness too.

She then looked back up at the dead panned teacher.

"Why would you give me a present? You chose Dimitri's house over mine. Grave mistake I might add but still...Why do you..?" Edelgard said.

"There wasn't a rule about not giving presents to people who aren't in the same house as you so I don't see a reason not to." Byleth said with no emotion whatsoever.

Edelgard puckered her lips irritably, unable to read Byleth's intentions or even tell if she had any whatsoever.

So she made an assumption instead. "I have no interest in leaving my class. Do not bribe me."

"I'm not bribing you. I just like giving people presents." Byleth shook her head.

Edelgard frowned, Byleth seemed to be telling the truth but it was still very off.

She sighed to herself and felt ridiculous. Byleth was just giving her a present just to be nice, there wasn't much of a reason to be on guard like this...

Edelgard finally spoke after what felt like a very long time. "Well, I do appreciate this. Thank you."

"Can you please unwrap the present?" Byleth cut straight to the point.

"Oh um right."

She unwraps the oddly well wrapped shaped present.

When she successfully does so, she realises that she was correct about it being a book but it seemed like a diary.

"Is this a diary?" Edelgard looked back up at Byleth

"Uh huh. You write things in it."

"I...I assumed as much yes." Edelgard sighed at her pointing out the obvious.

It was silent for a bit.

Edelgard frowned at the gift. It wasn't that she didn't like it, it's that she just didn't really use diaries because she never knew what to write.

People would tell her "You can write anything really" but it doesn't really help her know what to write.

Byleth noticed Edelgard frowning at the present. "Do you not like it?"

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now