Nowhere Left To hide Part 7/10: "Four Years..."

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A/N: This part focuses on Gilbert this time. Sorry it's so short


A year after "Nowhere Left To Hide Part 6: 3 Years..." and takes place in Horsebow Moon, 1185. References "The Prince's Birthday" part and "Wonders Of The Future" part.


Gilbert had been following rumours about Dimitri's whereabouts for a while now.

Since these rumours about a vicious murderer killing the soldiers were true from the locations he went to.

He was confident this murderer was Dimitri despite the fact it isn't entirely confirmed to be him.

However there were a lot of things pointing it towards Dimitri.

Dimitri's thirst for revenge against the Imperial Army would be the reason why he'd attack Imperial Soldiers, people describing him looking like a blonde haired beast. Wearing lots of blue. Only seen attacking in the kingdom territory. Imperial Soldiers deaths were described as gruesome and hard to imagine as human. The fact that some of the soldiers were killed by having their necks snapped...

All of these lead to Dimitri being connected to the killer.

One thing that concerned Gilbert though was that after Verdant Moon last year, he was described wearing an eyepatch.

However his suspicions were correct from the recent attack the murderer had done.

In that attack, the murderer had dropped something and left it behind.

A ceremonial sword.

Dimitri had gotten a sword just like that for his birthday from the professor, Gilbert remembers it because he had seen Dimitri use it in the past and he asked about the sword. He mentioned he had gotten it from the professor for his birthday.

The sword looked so much like the one Dimitri had that Gilbert definitely knew it was Dimitri.

He decided to look everywhere for him.

He even had some of the classmates such as Ashe help out in finding the location of Dimitri.

They desperately wanted him back.

Ashe suggested something to Gilbert.

"Well, I'll be sure to check the Monastery on the 24th of Ethereal Moon this year!" Ashe remembered the promise he had made to all of his friends.

Gilbert was confused. It seemed like he didn't know anything about it. "The monastery? Why there?"

"All of the Blue Lion students including His Highness and the professor promised to meet up at the monastery five years from that day!"

Gilbert shook his head. "The Professor coming to the Monastery that day is very unlikely at this point but His Highness.... hmm"

"There is a chance that he might show up! I mean..." Ashe started to doubt his own words.

"Well I'll have a soldier check around there when the time comes but I don't have high confidence that his highness nor the professor will show up." Gilbert shook his head.

Ashe sighed. "Alright"


A/N: I hope you guys don't mind I changed the story a little bit.

Also Very short chappie sorry but I have plans for the next one.

Thanks for reading(:

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now