The Unknown Flames

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter 8 and takes place before chapter 9. Takes place before "A Dance Representative" part, "An Interest" part, "Washing dishes" part, "Bernadetta's Birthday Presents & Smiles" part, "White Heron Cup" part, "The Prince's birthday" part, "Wonders of the future" part & "Heart breaking tears" part. Takes place a few days after the Remire Village mission and is mainly about it. Takes place on the second of the month/Ethereal Moon. Foreshadows a LOT of events that take place later. The location Byleth is in for this part is in the training grounds.


The last mission got Byleth thinking a lot.

It was a devastating mission and one that nobody could of ever predicted. 

However she also found out something she didn't expect.

When she first met Dimitri, she sensed darkness within and she didn't really know why.

But now she has a hint on why. 

Dimitri acted unusual in that mission and Byleth wasn't oblivious to that. Normally he'd hesitate in killing anyone but... He was very desperate to do so this time.

After the mission, He told her a lot. All about what happened on The Tragedy of Duscur and the flames he witnessed from it. 

And is true reason in joining the officers academy. 

One reason, one word.


Byleth wasn't sure if she was surprised or not about that reason.

Dimitri was kind, polite and always put others before himself. He was always hesitant to kill people and was always disgusted in those who take pleasure killing...

But on the other hand... Byleth always did sense something odd with Dimitri. She sensed darkness within when they first met even. She doesn't doubt that the person he is right now, is his true personality but she also doesn't doubt that he has another one too... 

Then again, Byleth wasn't one to talk. She used to be a completely different person when she came to the monastery. She never showed any emotion and didn't really see the point in socialising that much. 

However that wasn't true anymore. When she came to the monastery, she was always invited by her students (Dimitri the most) to events and she accepted them willingly because she was curious. She didn't expect that she would end up enjoying these events and she showed her emotions way more as time went on. She never knew how important it was to do so.

It is quite ironic to think that she used to be emotionless and antisocial all the time because she is now the one who invites everyone else to events and always seems to show her expressions a lot more than most. Both Jeralt and Dimitri even mentioned this on a few occasions. 

It was like she was a completely different person and... she liked that new person. She wanted to continue being that new person because it felt like it truly was who she is. It felt right, normal and it sat well with her. She never knew before that side of her even existed but she knew now. Though she wasn't going to stop acknowledging the emotionless side of her either but the person she is right now was truly her.

She thinks that her students had something to do with that. She was internally grateful to them... Dimitri the most because she feels like he had the most to do with it.

Although she had no idea why she thinks Dimitri had the most to do with it. That's just how she feels about it. 

Regardless she was happy at where she was right now. Despite being the professor, she learned something important from her students about friendship and that helped her grow into the truly happy person she was now. 

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now