A Secret

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter 7 and takes place before chapter 8. Takes place on the second week of that month/moon and taking place on the eighth of the Red Wolf Moon. A few days after "Get some rest" part and only a few days before "Heartwarming Smile" part.


Byleth had recently found out a secret that she shouldn't know.

She (and Sothis) overheard someone named Arundel talk to Dimitri and had also heard Arundel calling both Edelgard and Dimitri his nephews. 

Dimitri explained that Arundel is his step mother's brother which means that him and Edelgard are siblings by marriage. Dimitri left it at that and left. It explained a few things but also raised new questions...

It explained why Dimitri was so concerned for Edelgard when she was heading off to a mission, earlier that year.

However it raises the questions of.. Why was Dimitri researching so late at night in the library about Arundel during the time Flayn was missing? Why did she sense hostility between Lord Arundel and Dimitri?

Was he just curious? Is his... relationship with his Uncle that complicated? Well it didn't matter, she had no way of knowing because she couldn't really ask Dimitri as of right now and there was no point in asking Edelgard and Arundel especially since she wasn't really supposed to know.

The week after she was told what happened, one of her questions was answered in a way she didn't think it would be.

There was no one around and her day of teaching was almost over. Byleth used this free time to fish like always and was lost in thought until she heard a sudden voice behind her.

"May I speak to you for a moment?"

She turned around to see who this mysterious voice was coming from. It seemed like it came from Lord Arundel.

"Um alright..." Byleth was hesitant because for some reason the atmosphere felt very awkward and heavy the moment he spoke.

"Thank you... I'll get straight to the point, So it seems like you know a secret perhaps?"


Arundel looked at her as if she was the dumbest person in the world. "Don't act stupid, you know about my sister being Dimitri's step mother don't you?"

Byleth thought she heard someone walking towards to where her and Arundel were but those footsteps must have stopped.

She can also hear Sothis in her mind again "What in the name of? How does this guy even know that you know? Did that leader tell him? No I doubt it. Well? Don't just stand there like some fool you child! Say something!"

She finally said something "What are you talking about?" 

For some reason, she swore that she could sense that Sothis was looking down upon Byleth in shame.

Arundel sighed and is clearly impatient "I overheard Dimitri telling you that I'm his step uncle and Edelgard being his step sibling. I hope you're not bothered about me listening in on a private conversation that you had with him, I mean it's only fair, you rudely did the same thing?"

Byleth felt intimidated and can see that this conversation was going downhill quite fast. "Um.. I do suppose that is fair."

"I hope you don't mention this secret out to the public"

"I won't"

"Good." Aurendel said with a tone.

"And I hope someone like you wouldn't mind me asking some more questions" Arundel kept the conversation going. Byleth couldn't tell if he had some grudge against her or if it was something else entirely.

"I suppose not"

"Wonderful. Well, from what I've heard from my nephews... You wield the sword of the creator correct?" Arundel had said

Byleth bit her lip "Um yes correct"

He confronted her "And you are a professor of the Blue Lion house which is the same as Dimitri's class yes? I've been told that you were allowed to choose which class you wanted to join?"


"Which means you picked Dimitri's house over Edelgard's... which is a pure shame, I'm sure you would have been better in Edelgard's class, I mean you did save her life. Thank you for that but I must say this... I think you should reconsider your choices and teach her class. The empire would benefit from someone who wields the sword of the creator much more than the kingdom."

This made Byleth a bit angry. Before she could say anything, someone appeared behind Arundel and said something to the both of them.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation but I need the professor to help me with something, do you mind professor? It's a bit urgent..."

This voice came from Dimitri who was now standing behind Arundel. Dimitri had a slight frown on his face and his arms crossed. Byleth and Arundel both turned their heads to face Dimitri.

"And yet, it's so urgent that you hid and eavesdropped in on our conversation until I attempted had enough? Are you just making up some excuse so I don't talk to your professor anymore? It seems like you don't want me to try and consider the sword of the creator to teach a different class." Arundel confronted Dimitri with his eyebrows furrowed. Neither Byleth nor Dimitri expected this confrontation...

Byleth can see that Dimitri wasn't expecting such a response. Dimitri didn't realise that his uncle noticed that he was listening to the conversation. This caused everyone to go silent for a bit.

Arundel sigh and clearly didn't see the point anymore "Well then, I doubt the Professor has all of the answers of the questions I have. A bit ironic but It doesn't seem to matter. I have business elsewhere anyways. Farewell" and then Arundel left

They both waited until Arundel was completely gone before anyone said anything.

Dimitri sighed and bowed down. He seemed really apologetic. "I apologise for how rude I was professor but I couldn't really stand seeing Arundel being hostile to you and for him trying to convince you leave the Blue Lions for some reason. He seemed to have only cared for your weapon. Well I do hope you know that you're always the heart of the blue lions, no matter what weapon you wield."

"Thank you Dimitri, I appreciate those words and...I actually appreciate what you did then. I honestly didn't know what to do or say right there and then if I'm being totally honest." She smiled at him again.

Dimitri blushes a bit from seeing her smile but it made him happy too. It doesn't seem like he'll ever get tired of seeing her smile.


A/N: Man I'm sorry for the lack of an update last week, I was a bit busy with it being Christmas but I have more than one part planned for this week so stay tuned! I wanted to make a part that showcases the fact that Edelgard and Dimitri are siblings by marriage. Also I apologise for Arundel's portrayal here, I know I say this about every other character but I don't think I portrayed him well at all. I tried to give him this type of scary vibe (kind of like when Hubert acts soulless except you know... In an Arundel way) towards Byleth I guess. Also to clear up something he doesn't like her at all but she is the sword of the creator which is why he wanted her in Edelgard's class instead. Due to being more experienced and somewhat. Again can't really say anything because I'll spoil some chapters ahead of this one in the game but meh. I also apologise for the lack of fluff in this one as well since Dimitri was barely in it but I promise there will be more fluff in future chapies. I promise!

Anyways let me know what you thought about this part and as always, THANK YOU for all of your support! Love you all :)

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now