Swordsmanship Learning

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A/N: Hey here's another part this week like I promised! (It's not as long though sadly.)

Anyways let me just say something. This part is based on the children that Byleth and Dimitri teach swordsmanship to after the C support between them. 

Just a warning though that I am... not great at writing children personas at all and I apologise if I made them cliched. This part is really important though and these characters are very important to a much later part... I mean I won't spoil but I think you might know. I guess I tried to make the younger ones more like myself and my friends at that age? As for the older ones, they're more mature because... Agh I can't tell you because reasons but you'll find out... eventually. Lol that's barely an excuse but I'm not great at writing children like characters, I'm just going to say that now lol. There will also be more parts like this taking place in pre time skip sometime in the future. Also I apologise if this unintentionally... a little bit oc like and I get why you'd hate this part for that reason. (Also the kids can't pronounce Byleth has nothing to do with their age. Byleth's name is just hard to pronounce for me and my friends irl at first. I pronounced it wrong for four months after I first heard the name bahaha. I even called him/her Beeleth instead of Byleth when the game came out and then I was told that wasn't how you properly pronounce it lol. I can't be the only person who struggled saying Byleth's name for a while, I know at least one person reading this, couldn't pronounce it without struggling at first either haha.)

 Anywho I'll shut up. I hope you enjoy this part! :)


Pre time skip, takes place sometime after chapter 4 and takes place before chapter 5. Takes place a day after the C support of Byleth and Dimitri and a few days before the B support of Byleth and Dimitri.


Dimitri had asked Byleth to help him look after some orphans.

Well... sort of.

In the monastery, There were many orphans that were around the age of seven to twelve that were going to be in Rhea's custody for a few months or so.

However one day, three young orphans saw Dimitri sparring with the knights and they had been pestering him ever since. Even more orphans who didn't even see the sparring match, wanted to learn from him too. Dimitri wasn't necessarily good with children but he felt like it was his responsibility to help them as much as he could. So... he agreed.

Unfortunately though, Dimitri already had a ton on his hands on the day they demanded to learn from him which was tomorrow.

Then Byleth walked in when he was lost in thought and alone in the dining hall, unsure what to do. He was relieved to see her.

He asked her if she could help him train these five kids on that day because of how amazing she was at swordsmanship herself and fortunately she agreed to help. From there they promised to meet tomorrow at the training grounds around the late morning to help the children with the swordsmanship.

The next day, Dimitri wasn't busy in the morning but was in the afternoon. These children were not early birds in the slightest so it was a bit of an issue. Byleth waited in the training grounds for a bit of a while but by choice because she didn't have much to do that day.

Then finally, she heard some footsteps and was hoping that it wasn't Felix or Catherine that was coming. Luckily though, it was Dimitri and five children alongside. Three boys and two girls. Two of them were skipping even. When they made it to where Byleth was, Dimitri sighed in relief.

"Thank you Professor for lending me a hand in this!" Dimitri seemed chipper to see her.

Byleth only nodded. "It's no problem Dimitri."

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