The Tragedy Of Gronder Part 1/5: "The Grand Deceased"

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter sixteen and only just before chapter seventeen. Part/arc is a retell of Chapter 17. This entire arc series is much more impactful if these following parts are read first, "The Grand Feast" part, "Bernadetta's Birthday and Smiles" part, "An Unfaded Light" part, "Reasons..." part, "In The Dark" part, "The Dagger" part, "What's the Matter Lion?" part, "The Argument in the Lions' Den" part, "Broken Bridges & Bonds" part, "Peculiar" part, "Tension" part & "Yellow Maiden" part. This arc will stick with the original dialogue but will have new scenes that weren't in the original game.


Today was the day...

It was the day to march from the Bridge to Gronder Field and destroy Edelgard's army.

It was scary, Byleth had no idea what was going to happen nor what waited for her there. Not to mention, everyone in the Kingdom Army will be fighting in this battle.

Byleth's confidence was low before but it's even worse after finding out the Alliance doesn't have any interest in joining forces.

While she doesn't believe Claude would do such a horrible thing to a messenger to say he has no interest in joining forces, she still has to might have them as her enemy if he was truly behind it which means she may have to...

The thought made her shiver.

While marching to Gronder Field though and were very close to reaching there, Hilda, Raphael & Marianne were in complete shock about the Alliance's answer. Hilda especially.

"I swear I'm going to give Claude a huge earful the next time I see him if he actually did that!" Hilda angrily crossed her arms.

"You should kill him and his little army instead. Maybe he'll understand the message." Dimitri scoffed.

"No Dimitri, we still don't have proof that he did that! We should talk to Claude first to see if that was his actual intention....." Byleth said.

Dimitri said nothing.

Dorothea sighed. "Listen, putting that aside for now, does anyone know what's going to happen?"

"At this rate, we don't really have the time to think about that, we just need to find the Imperial Army..." Sylvain sighed heavily.

Byleth's attention was on Rodrigue and Gilbert. Gilbert seemed furious with Rodrigue over something but she doesn't understand why.

Before she could ask though, some of the reinforcements and soldiers screamed out of shock and ran.

She was confused and looked at the sky.

There were fire spells being casted on them.


Byleth and many others moved out of the way to get out of the attack.

Byleth, her friends and some of the soldiers thankfully moved out the attack in time.

Some soldiers sadly weren't as fortunate.

However, it seemed like they weren't the only ones being attacked by the Imperial Army that Edelgard was leading.

Byleth, Seteth, Alois, Hilda, Marianne, Ashe, Mercedes, Petra, Dorothea, Caspar, Raphael & a few other soldiers were separated from everyone else by being in more in the other part of the area.

She could see a yellow, gold army.

She then realised that the Imperial Army and her own weren't alone.

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