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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter thirteen and takes place before chapter fourteen. Takes place after the "Silence" part & "Refusal" part. Takes place before the "Voice" part and "Pirates of the North" part. Takes place on the eighth of Guardian Moon/That month. Most recommended for you to read "Jeralt's Diary & Ring" before this part. References the A Support between Byleth and Seteth.


After the long day of training, Byleth quickly went back to her quarters in the afternoon.

It was rather exhausting. Training with everyone was certainly harder than it was five years ago.

But she understood why. Five years ago, no one was training for war reasons or out of fear of invasions.

Well, Edelgard and the Imperial army might have been training for that reason. Of course though she, like everyone else, was oblivious of her true reasoning for trying to get stronger back then.

When Byleth did go into her room that afternoon, she did wonder a few things.

Mainly about the past and five years ago.

"What would've happened if I let Edelgard die back in Great Tree Moon? Would things have turned out differently? Damn it... I shouldn't of...."

The fact that if it wasn't for Divine Pulse, she would have died from saving Edelgard's life doesn't at all make her feel better.

She took a massive sigh and shook her head. She mumbled to herself. "I really shouldn't be focusing on that stuff...but I..."

Before Byleth could mumble or think anymore things, she heard a knock on her door.

She couldn't tell who it was until the person who knocked on the door finally spoke. "Professor? There is something I'd like to return to you."

That voice came from Seteth.

"He... wanted to return something? What..?" Byleth wondered as she went to go and open the door.

"Hello Professor." He greeted her.

"Uh.. hello Seteth. What did yo-"

She cut herself off when she saw what he was holding.

It was Jeralt's diary and the bag that had the ring he gave to her in the bag.

"Seteth! Is that my father's diary?"

He looked guilty. "Yes it is and I also have the bag he left for you all those years ago."

Byleth realised that she never even gave Seteth the bag. She just put it in Jeralt's room not long after the holy tomb just in case something happened to her in battle. "Seteth. How did you get that bag?"

"I found it in Jeralt's room many years ago."

"And the ring? Is it still in there?"

Seteth nodded which relieved Byleth. He continued to speak. "I apologise for... taking these and keeping them for so long. When I found the bag in Jeralt's room, I remembered you carrying that when I took the diary from you. I found the bag back... When I found the bag, It wasn't not long before the invasion in the monastery. I panicked and took the bag just in case we didn't win and you would have lost it to someone who was never meant to have it. And for me to take this diary from you... I apologise for that too. These two things were very irresponsible of me to do so but I promise you, I kept them safe and made sure that no one did anything to them."

...There was a bit of a long pause.

Seteth was expecting Byleth to get angry but... she seemed relieved.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now