Questions & Life

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Please read this note. I know most people tend to skip these types of pages but these announcements are so important!

Hey guys! It's the author. Holy crap, the gronder field arc is finally out. I've been wanting to do it for so long and now it's done! Anyways I'm sorry that this part isn't well..a part and more of an Author's note but I really want you guys to read this.

Ok so first of all, since this book is getting really long, I'm going to be putting the coronation day as the last part of this book and everything after that in a sequel book. The post war parts are COMPLETELY different to the parts here and also unlike this book, aren't really short stories (well I mean they are, they just are the same as this book was and whatever) and will be in order. If you don't know what I mean, then please don't hesitate to ask me to elaborate :)

And I also have an announcement to make. I won't be updating this book for a while. I really need a break from writing this book for a while. Though in more than a week from now, I plan on updating my other books and then weekly update this book again a while after that.

However, please keep in mind, I'm not going to be online on Wattpad for more than a week from after I publish this page so I apologise if my responses are very late...

When I do come back though, expect some a lot of edits in this book because I plan on changing the synopsis and many other things like that major stupid plot error I made in timeskip arc part 3 which I feel stupid for not doing ages ago... Changing the grammar and spelling errors etc...

Anyways in the meantime, I'd like to hear the opinions you guys have! It would mean a lot if you answered the questions down below in the comments.

Is there something that I'm doing wrong in this fanfic? If so, please tell me so I can try and fix it! :)

Would you guys like more parts that take place before chapter six? (What I mean by that is some more parts that take place before Flayn gets kidnapped in that one chapter?)

Would you like some more parts of Sylvain and/or Yuri teasing Dimitri? (This includes post timeskip parts that take place after the gronder field arc as well)

What do you think of the battle scenes? Are they poorly written or are the fine?

Are their certain characters you'd prefer to see more of? (Like more of Hilda, more of Caspar, more of Ashe, more of Sylvain etc?)

Is this book still enjoyable and/or easy to read/understand?

Anyways guys, that's not all. I also want to ask this major, huge question. It will decide some... certain outcomes...

[If you have not read both the "Broken Bridges & Bonds" part and the Gronder Field arc for this book then keep in mind there are some MAJOR spoilers in this paragraph just below. Skip this paragraph if you don't want to be spoiled and I'll let you know when the spoilers are over.]

So after Gronder Field everyone that isn't exclusive to one route that didn't join the Blue Lions have been killed. All except for one. Linhardt. Now, I was originally going to kill him off but I feel like I've overstepped that boundary already when it comes to killing of familiar characters and...I also noticed that killing him off unlike Bernadetta, Ferdinand, Lorenz, Lysithea, Leonie and Ignatz wouldn't have much of a purpose especially since I plan on having the plot of that chapter being more focused on something else entirely. I also felt so horrible seeing how sad some of you were at seeing the other characters die and I don't like making people feel that way.. So, I'd like to ask you all what you would rather happen!

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