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Hi guys, long time no see! I'm really sorry for making an author's note instead of an actual chapter but I have some really important news. Both good and bad. Ok I know people tend to hate these types of notes but please hear me out!

Ok so the good news! Dadada!

The Dimileth modern high school AU, Teacups & Teardrops has finally been released! There haven't been that much chapters yet but please check it out if you're curious! :D

And the other news is that As of August 16th, The first twelve chapters of Irreplaceable love has been crossposted to Ao3 and the rest will be posted at some point (But it will be delayed for reasons explained later)

And to make up for how long it's been since I've updated This book, I can promise that I have pre planned the next two chapters for this book and I will announce that I have at least three dimileth aus based in the fe3h world somewhat and one modern au which I already did announce in the other page...sort of (The coffee shop AU) and that's all I've got planned at this point in time. One of them I've already written five (ridiculously long) chapters for and it takes place in another route (Try to guess if it's Silver Snow, Crimson Flower or Verdant Wind. :p)

Anywho, Most of these I plan to finish offline first and publish once I've written more of Teacups & Teardrops which will be a bit of a while. The sequel to Irreplaceable Love (Legendary Tales) will already be released before some of these will be so please keep that in mind. God, I don't think anyone knows how desperate I am to say more about these AUs but I need to keep it a secret at the moment but I will announce soon once some of them are ready. Anyways I'm rambling now lol. I hope you will read them (whenever it is they're out Bahaha) and I hope I didn't sound self-indulgent here, I just get a little excited talking about fanfics relating to Dimileth and certain other ships :p

Now for the bad news...

This is really important and It would mean a lot if you all could read.

Ok so there are more reasons I haven't been updating this book.

One of them is that I will be doing finals for the entirety of the next few months or so. One of them is on my birthday (despite my birthday being on a saturday this year, my school is still making me go on that day despite knowing that to take the exam, it hurts to live) even and it totally sucks honestly. I even have an exam tomorrow and I don't think I'll pass to be honest lol but I still must focus on them. I need to and that's why I won't be updating for a bit (putting this fic on Ao3 is a lot easier than writing a new part but even that will have to be delayed)

And yeah...I can't say I can update at all in August. Hopefully in September but no guarantees. I most likely will as a way to celebrate one year of writing this book. I think though I most likely will come back to write frequently in October at the earlier and December at the latest. I think it will be updates every Monday and Friday at 8-11 pm AUD when that time comes.

And I hope you all don't mind me doing this again... I'd really like to ask some questions. I'm sorry for taking your time to do this but it would mean a great deal to me if you could answer at least some of them if that's possible.

As I said before, parts on Ao3 will be delayed but not only because of finals but also because of editing. I have edited A TON of this book. I have fixed some stupid inconsistent errors, grammar, rewrote scenes including Yuri and Hapi at the beginning of the book, removed author notes that were not meant to be there etc. However, I have to admit, editing is tedious. Like REALLY tedious. So before I wrap it up and publish more chapters of this book on ao3 and writing more dimileth books, I'd like to hear what you all think.

First of all, what would you like to see happen in this book?

Second, are there any major errors that I absolutely need to fix? Please do not hesitate to tell me what they are if so!

Thirdly, other than Byleth and Dimitri, who else would you like to see together? (I'll have a more detailed poll for this question in a much later chapter)

Lastly and well...to be honest the one I've been the most concerned about and would REALLY appreciate your insights on... It's about Byleth.

Did I write her ok? Do you guys like her character in this or is she too inconsistent and/or is she kind of lame? Is she fine as she is now? Well I guess I'm just trying to ask... What do you all think of her? I'd really like to know what you think :)

(Also if it helps, I plan on writing some major conflict revolving around her character a bit later but I won't spoil it though. You'll know what I'm talking about once I've gotten there.)

^^^And the reason why this is so important is because this isn't the only dimileth fanfic I've written and I have so much more planned in the future. Hearing your feedback on if I have done ok with her character or not would greatly help. I mean you don't have to answer but I'd really appreciate it.


And that's all I have to announce....

Well except for the fact the book has 66k reads and 2k votes! Ahhhhh Thank you so much everyone!

Anyways please remember to stay safe guys, love you all so much <3

(There's a chance that this part might be deleted at some point so please keep that in mind. Regardless, thanks for reading guys. I love you all soooo much!)

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