Pirates In The North

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Post time skip, takes place after chapter 13 and takes place before chapter 14. Takes place after "Silence" part, "Refusal" part and "Voice" part. Takes place on the 18th of the Guardian Moon.


Byleth had a minor mission given to her and her army by one of the soldiers in the marketplace.

"There are some pirates in the Sreng Region and have been terrorising the people and mercenaries. Please help us out in defeating them."

Byleth alerted everyone that this was they were going to do for the spare day.

So they all had a meeting about it. About not only it being good battle experience but also to help save the people.

Dimitri was smirking to himself. It seemed like he wanted to kill these pirates quickly.

Quite desperately in fact.

Many people noticed. Including Byleth and Gilbert.

Gilbert frowned. "Your Highness, are you sure you can-"

"Let's just go already, I'm tired of waiting."


He gave Gilbert a glare that told him to shut up and so he did.

And so everyone left.


When they arrived at the Sreng region, It didn't take long for them to find the pirates.

"There they are professor..." Mercedes pointed towards the pirates.

It seemed like what the soldier said about them was true. 

"Hey! What are you staring at pipsqueaks?" One of the pirates yelled out when they saw Byleth and the rest of the army.

The pirates noticed the soldiers. They prepared themselves to attack and terrorise the kingdom army.

Dimitri slightly raised his head up "Heh."

"Professor. I may have already said this but I leave the commanding for the battles to you. Please guide us well." Gilbert told Byleth this again.

"Hmph." Dimitri stopped smirking and crossed his arms.

"Something wrong boar?" Felix gave him a look.

"I'm getting impatient."

"Of course you are..."

Byleth didn't hear that little conversation and helped everyone prepare.

Sadly though unless the soldiers had a pegasus or a wyvern to help them fly across, there wasn't too much movement that could be made.

This annoyed Dimitri due to the fact that he feels like there is a big obstacle keeping him from attacking the pirates.

Ingrid and Seteth were able to land attacks due to their pegasus and/or wyverns.

Regardless though, the pirates still charged towards everyone in the army.

Dimitri the most.

However Dimitri didn't have to feel impatient anymore.

He cut up their bodies open with a wide eyed expression. 

He taunted them and killed them quite gruesomely.

However there was something quite unusual about Dimitri killing anybody as of right now.

It looked like a part of him was enjoying it.

But there was another part that... seemed to hate it.

This didn't go unnoticed by Byleth at all so she decided to try and prevent him from killing as much pirates as necessary...

Of course it was needed for him to kill some but there was no way she was going to let him be anymore rash in this mission.

She even had to use divine pulse a few times.

But that still didn't stop Dimitri's persistence.

She could even hear a few things before he killed some of the pirates. 

"I'LL DESTROY YOU" "GET OUT OF MY WAY" "See you in the eternal flames." "I'll join you in hell when I've done my job."

It was horrible... Hearing both Dimitri saying that and some of the pirates scream in a mortifying way when he killed them. 

Sure the pirates were bad but it was still disturbing. Most of the others in the army didn't really like seeing Dimitri doing that either.

But Dimitri? It was actually hard to tell. 

Sure he sort of looked he was enjoying it but... 

Was he truly enjoying it? It sounded like he was more being forced to do it even though no one around him was forcing him to do this at all. Byleth even gave him the option to fight or not in this battle to which he obviously accepted.

But regardless they finally finished the battle with the pirates.

However Dimitri couldn't even tell that the fight was over and that all the pirates had been defeated.

He is even starting to mistake his own allies as pirates.

Everyone but Dimitri put their weapons away, thinking it was finally over for the day. 

Annette let out a sigh. "That was a bit tough."

Byleth reassured her. "True but at least we could help out in the end and no one got any serious injuries."

"Good poi-."

"Gah! Dimitri! What are you doing?!"

They were cut off by some struggling loud voice.

It was Raphael. Dimitri kept trying to aim with his lance to kill him. 

He even attempted to use his muscles as defence from the lance

"Don't bother letting a beast like yourself to live you pirate."

"Dimitri! I'm not a pirate! What the heck?!"

"Dimitri! What are you doing? That's Raphael." Hilda was confused and yelled out.

"Who?" Dimitri was confused at this point.

Byleth ran in front of Dimitri and defended Raphael with her sword to prevent him trying to kill Raphael.

Dimitri was frustrated. "Why are you defending the enemy?"

"Why are you attacking an ally? Dimitri, this is Raphael remember? He is part of the kingdom army."

There was a long silence. Suddenly though Dimitri put away his lance and turned around to walk away. "Hmph."

Hilda walked over to Byleth and Raphael.

"Did he lose his memory or something? Honestly what's wrong with him?" Hilda seemed pretty mad.

"Are you ok Raphael?" Byleth ignored Hilda and turned towards Raphael.

"Don't worry I'm fine but that was quite scary. Do you think Dimitri is hungry for food? Is that why he is upset?"

Raphael didn't seem to take to much offence to that. It was a mix of surprising and unsurprising. Most would be annoyed about it but Raphael wasn't the type of person to be annoyed by that. 

But even still...

Was Dimitri...truly ok with all of this?

Truly ok with living like this?

Was there really no other way...?


A/N: Sorry it's so short. Next part will be longer

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now