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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter sixteen and takes place before chapter seventeen. Takes place on the fourth of the Great Tree Moon. Based on Dorothea's dialogue about Ferdinand. Recommended for you to read Broken Bridges & Bonds before you read this part.


There is no telling of what could happen in the next mission

The Imperial Army responded to Byleth's and Dimitri's army taking over The Great Bridge of Myriddin by collecting reinforcements at Fort Merceus...

What Byleth and Dimitri's army is going to do is attack the Imperial Army at gronder field later this month which at the moment is being led by Emperor Edelgard.

They might even potentially make enemies with the alliance...

Byleth knew that killing and facing familiar faces such as Lorenz and Ferdinand was inevitable no matter what decision that would've been made so it wasn't anyone's fault besides the one who started the war in the first place, Edelgard.

She was still extremely heartbroken from those shrieks in pain that Lorenz and Ferdinand did four days ago...and taking her sword out of their bodies...and.....their last words....

"Lay me to a manner that is befitting...of the nobility..."

"Even if I die, you must protect this area."

That's all she could hear for the past few days...

It was haunting...not to mention...she is the reason why they said those words and shrieked in pain...

She also felt way worse than usual when she was cleaning the blood off her sword.

Blood from people that she once considered not just students, but also friends...


She wanted to stop this feeling...

Since there were no plans today, she wanted to fish early in the morning to get her mind off those screams and....nightmares...

When she went to the fishing pond, she saw someone crying their eyes out, right in front of the water.

"I...can't..." The sobbing person mumbled to herself.

Byleth recognised who it was almost immediately. It was Dorothea...

It seemed like she was having a hard time after that mission.

It hurt to see her like this too...

Especially since she was so happy not too long ago when she did that gatekeeper impersonation...

"Dorothea? Your..." Byleth struggled to find the words to say.

Dorothea didn't turn around. She tried to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Oh...Hello Professor."

"Are know...?" Byleth quietly confronted Dorothea.

Dorothea turned around and nodded.

She said something in a soft tone, clearly trying to not cry. "The Great Bridge of Myriddin was considerably better fortified than it was five years ago...The bridge was full of soldiers...and they all died."

Dorothea then struggled to speak when remembering him... "And Ferdie was there. We killed Ferdie, Professor, he used to be our friend. Do you remember those days?"

Byleth wishes she didn't remember at this point...

It was better not remembering than to remember...

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now