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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter sixteen and takes place before chapter seventeen. Takes place after the "Reasons..." part and the "A Promised Trip" part. Takes place on the 11th of Great Tree Moon. Recommended for you to read "Broken Bridges & Bonds" before this part.


In the late afternoon, Byleth went to the Cathedral.

She wanted to see if...well Dimitri was there again.

She hadn't really seen him that much lately and well...she wanted to talk him...

When she arrived at the Cathedral, something caught her eye.

Dimitri was indeed there...

But he was not alone. There was a little girl with him.

It was the same child that they met at the bridge a couple of days ago..

The child that gave Byleth this really odd vibe.

It seemed like Dimitri and the child were talking about something

Byleth hid near the entrance so she could eavesdrop.

She knew it was none of her business but...she just knew she had to do it.

The child spoke again when Byleth hid. "So your Prince Dimitri and you want to get revenge on the emperor?"

"Yes. But, I hope you don't mind me asking about the one you want to get revenge on for killing your brother. Are they a the emperor?"

She looked angry when she tilted her head down from that question. "Much, much worse than the emperor would ever be."

"Is that so?" Dimitri crossed his arms.

He felt disgusted that there is someone worse than Edelgard would exist out there.

Then again, he wasn't surprised.

The child had a dangerous look in her eyes that wasn't too different to Dimitri's when the subject of Edelgard is brought up. "Yes. They are a beast...They will pay for what they have done to me and my brother! They killed my brother, in the most monstrous way possible just like they did to all of their other victims!"

"I assume they felt no guilt."

"Of course not. The killer took pleasure the more they tortured him to death..." The child shivered.

Byleth tried to get a bit closer to where they were without being seen in the process so that she could see the child and Dimitri more clearly.

Dimitri was even more disgusted that such a beast could exist. "...Sounds like the actions from a true monster."

"Oh yes, they certainly are. I swear it, I will make them suffer and suffer just like they made my own brother suffer... I WILL make sure that will happen!"

Dimitri smirked seeing this girl's thirst for revenge.

And yet he hates that because it reminds him of himself...

" K I L L "

" S U F F E R "

He could hear his inner voices again...

Honestly, he knew that he wasn't any better than the monster that killed her brother...or Edelgard for that matter...

But it's too late to do anything about that now..

"I...I will make sure you get your revenge on the monster who killed your brother!" Dimitri reassured the child.

Her eyes brightened up. "Wait. Really? You Will?!"

Dimitri nodded.

The child still didn't believe him. "Do you promise?"

"Yes, I promise." Dimitri smirked.

The girl looked rather mischievous than pleased. "Thank much. I really appreciate your help, your highness."

Something about the way she said that, sounded off to Byleth for some reason.

It was like the girl had some type of hidden motive.

Dimitri didn't sense it though. He gently patted the girl's head and she just had a much more terrifying grin on her face...


Byleth tried to get a bit closer.

However, unfortunately for her, Dimitri saw her again.

"What are you doing here Professor?" He sighed and completely turned towards where she was hiding.

"Huh?" The child was taken aback by that sudden confrontation.

She looked at where Dimitri was looking.

Byleth got out of her hidden spot.

"Oh! Aren't you the commander? I heard that you're an excellent fighter!" The child asked curiously.

"I've been told yes." Byleth nodded.

"Did you spy on our conversation the whole time?" Dimitri asked her.

Byleth said nothing.

"Well? Did you?"

"...I only came in where she confirmed that you were a prince."

"So basically the whole conversation."


There was a painfully awkward silence.

Though in Dimitri's head, it was the opposite of silence...

"    M    O    N   S   T   E   R   "

Dimitri crossed his arms. "Well did you need something...?"

"...No, not really."

"Then why are you here?"

"I was just checking if you were here so calm down." Byleth sighed.

"Pft." He sighed and left the cathedral.

Byleth was a bit frustrated. "Dammit Dimitri..."

The little girl noticed that. "Why did you need to check on him?"

Byleth closed her eyes and forgot that it was the kid she was talking to. "I..I just wish th- err...."

She cut herself off when she realised who it was she was talking to.

She looked pale. "...Sorry that you saw that whole thing."

"It's fine. Well..does it hurt you seeing him like this?" The kid asked curiously.

Byleth frowned. She didn't answer the question.

Something in her gut told her to never answer that.

The kid took her silence as a yes. "Well..I assure you that you won't feel hurt like that anymore soon."

Byleth quickly turned her head towards the kid. "You have the wrong idea- Wait what?"

"Oh, sorry. It's nothing. Erm..I just meant when he kills Edelgard, he'll probably stop acting so revenge like... hehe...well, I'll see you around! Thank you guys once again for letting me in the army!" The kid turned away and left. Making sure that Byleth doesn't catch her grin.


Something felt even more off now...

Perhaps that comment about Dimitri that kid said was meant to be reassuring but it actually made Byleth feel worse.

Yet....Byleth had no idea why...

How peculiar...


A/N: Here is a part about...well Fleche obviously. Reason I didn't mention her name here is because the only one's who know it's Fleche is the player. Neither Byleth nor Dimitri ever find out who she actually is lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now