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A/N: I just wanted to address an issue I put in the previous chapter. I accidentally added Dorothea in the list of people that were going to the mission when I meant to write Marianne instead. My total bad on that. :/

But yeah anyways, here is a more emotional chapter. Both Byleth and Dimitri might be a bit ooc but that's sort of the point. I haven't written a chapter like Heartbreaking Tears in forever so I'm glad to write this one(:


Post timeskip, takes place after chapter 17 and takes place before chapter 18. Takes place after "Forgiveness & Troubles" part, "Suspenseful Shopping" part and "Out of the Blue" part. Takes place on the 19th of Harpstring Moon. Recommended for you to read "Heartbbreaking Tears" part and "Conflict in the Rain" part.


Dimitri didn't hesitate to go and take care of the horses on his own in Ingrid's stead

He had been helping her with the horses again like he used to back in the officers' academy whenever she needed it.

However Ingrid was busy today so Dimitri took care of the horses himself.

When he was at the stables, he looked after the horses as he normally did.


Dimitri smiled at the horse and rubbed its head which made the horse even happier.

He guided it back inside the stables so that the final horse could rest.

With that, he was finally finished and looked outside to see that it was pouring with rain.

Dimitri mumbled to himself as he tried to find the right opportunity to run to the closest indoor shelter, which was the entrance to the Knight's Hall. "When Ingrid is finished with her paperwork, I should tell her how the horses are doing."

Unfortunately for Dimitri, The rain got worse and he sighed.

"  F   O   O   L  "

Dimitri heard his father's voice in his head and slightly shivered. It was loud and haunting.

But he tried to be brave while listening to it.

He ran outside and tried to get to the entrance of the knights' hall where there was a roof in the monastery.

He saw there were candles lit up inside of the knights' hall and it also seemed that the fire was on despite there being no one there.

When he made his way to the entrance, he sighed in relief and turned to go inside until he caught a tiny glimpse of the colour of green in the corner of his eye from the left direction.

He stood still and looked towards that direction and tried to see the person who was standing a bit far away.

It was Byleth, standing out in the rain.

She seemed...heartbroken.

In fact, it reminded Dimitri when he saw her in the rain around two moons ago.

She looked miserable back then too. reminded him of when she cried in his arms after her father died.

Dimitri's heart hurt seeing her like that.

He couldn't stand it.

He knew it could be considered wrong but he just had to check on her.

See if she was ok.


Byleth seemed startled and she looked around where she was.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now