Wonders Of The Future

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Pre timeskip, takes place before chapter 9 but takes place after Chapter 8. The night before the ball. Takes place on the night of the 24th of the Ethereal Moon. Takes place after "An Interest" part. References "Get Some Rest!" part.


That night, the Blue Lion students made a promise with each other.

They all promised to meet five years from now, which would also be the same day as Garreg Mach Monastery holding its millennium festival.

Around an hour later, Dimitri went to the training grounds so he could train like always. Sure the ball was the next day but that wasn't going to stop him from training.

When he arrived, he was surprised to see Felix and the professor sparring. Well seeing Felix sparring was no surprise but he didn't expect the professor to train with him around this time.

Felix seemed intense about this match so Dimitri didn't bother to interrupt. He just stood there and watched. He stood out of their way. 

Dimitri didn't watch for very long though, Byleth beat Felix in a matter of seconds.

"Ugh.. I lost again... But, at least I'm getting closer to beating you each time!" Felix declared.

"so uh thanks for the sparring matches professor, I think I've had enough.. for now" Felix shook his head.

He let out a sigh and then faces Dimitri. "Now what are you doing here boar?" 

"Oh uh Dimitri! Hi! I didn't know you were here." Byleth was surprised when she turned around to see him.

Dimitri rubbed his head a bit. "Yeah I uh came here to train but I didn't want to interrupt your match with Felix?"

"Pffffft whatever. Anyways Professor, I'm going to sleep, night. Oh yeah and don't bother training with the boar, you'll both be reckless tomorrow... not that I care but still." Felix left the training grounds, which left Byleth and Dimitri alone.

"Anyways Professor, the ball is tomorrow... well now Professor, you sure picked a strange night to train.." Dimitri teased.

She teases him back "I could tell you the same thing your highness."

"Fair point." Dimitri chuckled a bit at her response.

"But in all seriousness, I was planning to go to sleep much earlier than usual tonight, not saying you have to follow my example but I'd recommend getting as much sleep since tomorrow is going to be a long day." Dimitri asked her.

"Ah yeah I suppose your right, I might stay up for a bit longer though, not for too long."

"Ok try not to stay up as late as you did in the beginning of the Red Wolf Moon Professor!" Dimitri warned.

Byleth nods "Oh no, I wasn't planning on that, What I mainly planned to do is go outside the classrooms, in the courtyard and look up at the sky. It seems to look more different tonight but it looks stunning.. or at least to me."

"Anyways, I'll leave you alone here to train, I'll see you around Dimitri!" Byleth smiled and turned away to leave. 

She took a few steps but then Dimitri said something out of the blue.

"Er wait Professor, do you uh.. mind if I join you to gaze upon that sky for a little while?" Dimitri asks Byleth despite feeling slightly embarrassed.

Byleth smiles and nods "Sure! I don't mind at all."


When Dimitri walked with Byleth to the courtyard to gaze upon the stars, she seemed rather excited to do so. It was...nice to see her so happy like this.

Then when Byleth looked up at the sky, he did too. He now somewhat understood what Byleth was talking about. He feels silly for not noticing before he entered the training grounds.

"I see what you were talking about Professor, the sky does look quite unique in its own right." Dimitri smiled. He remembered gazing up at the sky like this when he was a kid.

Byleth nods.

It's silent for a bit of a while but then Dimitri asks a question.

"Professor, you know how earlier we all promised to meet back here in five years?"

"Yes, what about it?" Byleth turned her head to face Dimitri.

Dimitri looked down to the ground as he spoke, slightly hesitant to ask. "Well, I wonder what we'd all be doing then..." 

He then looks at Byleth and continues to say what he was trying to say. "Professor do you have a clue on what you might do in five years from now?"

Byleth clearly didn't expect him to ask something like that. She seemed puzzled and then lost in thought.

"That's not a bad question.. Hmmm well I never really thought about it........ Maybe me and my father will go back to being mercenaries? I don't really know, I guess whatever the future brings me. Regardless of what happens though, I will definitely go to the reunion!" 

"Ah ha, I guess I did ask an unusual question but it makes me happy knowing that you will keep your promise." Dimitri smiled at her

Byleth repeats the same question he asked her, back at him "Dimitri, do you have a clue on what you might do in five years from now?" 

Dimitri looked rather pale "Uh... well other than being a king, I guess I think that... Yeah I don't really know either..."

They both chuckled a bit after this response from Dimitri.

"Anyways, I think I should be heading off. Thank you for showing me this lovely sight of this pleasant sky." Dimitri bowed with a bright smile on his face.

"It was my pleasure, I'm glad you liked it. Try not to stay up too late Dimitri." Byleth teased.

Dimitri laughed and spoke before he left. "That applies to you too Professor."



But this one is important for future events/parts that happen in this series so stay tuned for those! 

Anyways I have some good news! Updating will be more often after Saturday due to summer holidays (Where I live seasons work differently. For example, December, January & Feburary is the summer season where I live instead of winter. Anyways my point is I'm on a break from school in December and the whole of January) happening here!

Also next part will be important just sayin'

But yeah guys thank you so much for reading, love you all so much ♥

Thanks again and I'll see you all in the next part. Byeee(:

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now